one I own completely, two I setup with a couple of other guys, a third I joined up sometime after it was setup, there was another, but that went really bad, learnt an important lesson there, don't trust anyone, almost ruined everything did that mistake ;(
They've got websites, not very good ones mind, especially one, which I **ck about with sometimes, highly unprofessional I know but meh hasn't harmed their business.. 'onest , but I'm not saying here, gives away my identity and after all the people I've warned, banned, fought with, put down, insulted etc. thats far from a good idea mrBadger found out and well, his reaction is what I was trying to avoid lol. Note to Badger, shhhhh
Their not huge though, I haven't been lucky enough to have my own Digital Domain yet or had any win Oscars but soon, one day, I promise you! bwahaha :E well, it would be cool, always wanted an Oscar for something/anything
My advice is if you want to do it for a living, try freelance. It's a bit of a slog at times, but its also great fun. It's what I always go back to doing, you meet tons of new people, make loads of contacts and learn a heck of a lot, and providing the work is done on time, you can work when you want and not when your told