Feverish Dreams


Jan 25, 2009
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Anyone ever recall those crazy ass dreams you have when you are sick or running a fever? Well last night I had plenty. I'm battling the worst sore throat I can remember and although I'm finally feeling better I can recall the craziest batshit dreams I had last night for they felt real.

The first was just like World of Warcraft, I was flying above the beautiful land not a griffon but something more like a smaller hot air balloon with this chick who I had no idea was, and some wind nearly blew me out of the basket. It was the craziest because she was barely holding onto my hand and I felt like I was going to slip away. For the longest time she held my hand then that dream ended.

The next dream was like Minecraft, there was tons of glass blocks and I was tiptoeing along the edge of glass and nothing, it was freakishly cool but nothing really bad happened. I just felt like I was playing the game and it was surreal.

The last dream was the most intense, I was with some friends in his back yard and we were just standing around and we saw this Fed Ex plane the size of 3 football fields fly low over our heads. It then took a huge right turn and slammed into the ground behind the woods of our house, then this huge explosion that mimicked something out of Halflife came swirling around. It blew flames towards us and I managed to run into his basement but no one followed. I heard screams and yelling above as pieces of the house started to fall into the basement. I really thought this all was happening. Then it all calmed down and I realized none of us were hurt, and we drove to the crash site. No one was injured and people were jumping off into the snow holding hands.

Now I usually don't remember my dreams this well but each felt so real. I don't necessarily like feverish dreams but do you guys recall any crazy dreams like this?
I can remember one feverish dream from my childhood very vividly. I was on holiday in Morocco with my parents and must have been eleven of twelve. In the dream I was locked into a room with high walls and could only get out by building stairways of coins. At one point, early morning, the muezzin from a nearby mosque started his call to the morning prayer and his chant worked its way into my dream. That scared the shit out of me and woke me up, but since the dude was still reciting his prayers I got all confused and wasn't really sure if I wasn't still dreaming. Mind****.
I once dreamt that cod (the fish) was banned.
I once had the most realistically mundane dream ever I genuinely believed it was real. I was just in my house and I walked downstairs and looked out the window. There was my street, other houses the lot. Only at one point did I think "Is this a dream?" at which point I pinched myself, felt the pain and then decided I was awake. I was pretty shocked when I actually woke up and realised it was a dream after all. Weird shit.
Holy shit I had one last night (only have a cold - I think at least) Just a sore throat and headache but I woke up around 5am sweating with a fever. Been feeling ill all day since...
Was emotionally intense yet bizzare.

I was forced to fill in a performance role for some stage show or something because someone was ill, one of my ex's persuaded me to do it (but she was naked throughout for some reason :S) then we were supposed to get free breakfast afterwards but someone stole my breakfast when I was busy chatting up a hot waitress! My dream then turned into a sort of detective style story where I had to deduce who had stolen my breakfast and why. I found the culprit and wanted to rage at them but they escaped. I then ended up somewhere else entirely and saw some old school friends on a double bicycle thing, but they ignored me and I couldn't catch them.

I can't remember the rest. There's some intermittent bits I missed out that involved almost every chick I ever got with sort of disappearing, I didn't like it.
Whenever I have a fever, I always think I'm pretending I'm acting kind of delusional... some of my moaning and groaning and utterances.

But after it's over, I don't know if I was pretending or not. I don't really have a reason to pretend, I just think I'm doing so when I'm having the fever.

It's quite weird.
^ Raz - I think I sort of understand, I sometimes wake in a half asleep state and feel like I'm in a sort of delerium.
I can't describe it so well....
Interesting thing is when you enter REM sleep, your white blood cell count naturally rises. If you're ill, having vivid dreams is almost like a side-effect of your body fighting off the illness.
I haven't have feverish dreams in so long though, last time was when I did a lot of drugs I shouldn't have. Before that I had Sal-manila poisoning
Had a really extreme fever when I was a kid and was laying down on the couch watching tv when I guess I dozed off.

All I saw was a TV floating around in a black background, then the tv stopped, broke into 2 sections and there was a multi-coloured 3D-ish question mark floating in between the 2 pieces of tv.

I woke up pointing in the sky screaming "QUESTION MARK!?!?!"...then I started crying and shit cuz it felt so real but man my body felt like I was in a battlefield.
I had a dream where my ex wife kept trying to break through my subconscious and kill me and my co workers.

In all seriousness though, I've been going through this heaps in the past 5-6 days, last night for example I had a dream about unloading shipping containers... everything was colour coded, if it was blue, it went in the gigantic blue bins, if it was red it went on the red conveyor belt. All of this was happening whilst I was waist deep in ocean water.
I've been having these nonsensical dreams for the past week now, it may sound odd but I love having them, because I usually only dream once a week or so.
I had a dream where my ex wife kept trying to break through my subconscious and kill me and my co workers.

In all seriousness though, I've been going through this heaps in the past 5-6 days, last night for example I had a dream about unloading shipping containers... everything was colour coded, if it was blue, it went in the gigantic blue bins, if it was red it went on the red conveyor belt. All of this was happening whilst I was waist deep in ocean water.
I've been having these nonsensical dreams for the past week now, it may sound odd but I love having them, because I usually only dream once a week or so.

Apparently people dream 5-6 times a night they just don't remember them. Not sure if this is fact or myth though. Sounds about right though because whenever I wake up in the middle of the night I always remember whatever I was dreaming about very vividly.

I really want to learn how to lucid dream though...I can definitely test some scenarios out without any consequences lol
I once had the most realistically mundane dream ever I genuinely believed it was real. I was just in my house and I walked downstairs and looked out the window. There was my street, other houses the lot. Only at one point did I think "Is this a dream?" at which point I pinched myself, felt the pain and then decided I was awake. I was pretty shocked when I actually woke up and realised it was a dream after all. Weird shit.

Awesome. I've had a similar one except I was just standing in a featureless void and immediately I'm like, "This is a dream. Hey I should try that pinching thing to see if it works!" and it did.

Over the past few years my dreams have all gotten increasingly more mundane, but I don't remember them when I wake up. Only if I'm doing something that triggers the memory of the dream. It gets really confusing.

A few weeks ago I woke up and headed out to school and I think, "It's supposed to be warm, I'll just grab a light jacket." After about 10 minutes walking, I'm like, "hey wtf why is it so cold? I thought the weather forecast said it was going to be really warm... like, 81 F. Wait -- that doesn't make any sense!" I'd dreamt about checking the weather :eek:.