FF7 Advent Children Trailer


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
I just watched it. Wow. It's disgustingly good.

I also read that they are re-releasing/remaking ff7 for the ps2, and advent children will come with it.

however, does anyone know if it will be graphically, sound, and gameplay updated?
What's an advent child? Should be good whatever that is.
Its an hour long CGI movie sequel to FF7 using even better graphical technology than the spirits within... besides clouds outlandish hair he looks like a real person

and appearantly its being shipped with a remake of FF7 for the PS2, according to gameinformer
I hope they'll sell it without having to buy the game, i don't wanna have to pay 50 bucks for a dvd.
Never been a fan of FF7. Im a technology whore though, should be fun to see the graphics.
Hmm... someone gave it to me on disk, and its not the best quality but its large and its pretty good.... its about 14 megs of 2:00 goodness...

I'll look for it