FFVII limit breaks


Aug 19, 2003
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Yea yea I know, this games old whatever. Anyhow Im playing through it again and just fought Dyne with Barret... at this point I have Barrets second to last limit break, Angermax which takes out Dyne in 1 move. Anyone else ever try to get all the available limits before the second disk? anyhow, a great way to do it is cast fury on your charecters, this decreases their accuracy but doubles their limite rage when hit! Anyhow yea, fun shiz
You can't (easily) obtain all the level 4 limit breaks, but yes, I did get Cloud's 2nd level 3 limit break before materia keeper, K.O'ed in one hit !
stop talking about ff7!
makin me wanna play it again!
cept i dont have it :(
All my Cd's broke. Luckily I have a friend who has it, and thinks I'm gonna return it :P
Wow, I never try to Get limits till the very end of the game. I mean, I get them, just by the natural progression of things before its time to go into the big cavern.
I've gone and lost CD 3. My brother borrowed it at college, and one of HIS friends borrowed it, now it's gone.. forever :(
Shuzer said:
I've gone and lost CD 3. My brother borrowed it at college, and one of HIS friends borrowed it, now it's gone.. forever :(

oh yeah? u think thats bad?
i have all 3 CD's for the PC version of the game.. it all installs properly but when i go to load a saved game (which i backed up since i last played) the game loads properly but two minutes into the game and it hangs and crashes my PC.

and new game? that option doesn't even work!! :( :x :frown:
AmishSlayer said:
All of them? Wow... That's quite the accomplishment.
Yes.All my fault too.
Here's the order as I recall
Disc 2)Mightily Scratched up sucker. Didnt work
Disc 3)Relaxing on the floor, untill I had to back up with my chair to get something. Snapped in two
Disc 1) In great anger over the loss of disc 3, I pocceded to snap this disc in half. I am a bonafied fool, aren't I. :sleep:
ive comleted the game 4 times, but the only level 4 limit break i got was clouds and someone elses (cant remember who it was). but i DID get all the items for the limit breaks (every character has an item or something right?) anyway, youre really, really making me want to play it again and BEAT THAT F'ING emerals weapon :flame:
Hmm on my second playthrough all those years ago, I managed to level up all Limit Breaks to Level 3 in.... SHINRA TOWER (You know, where you first meet Red XIII etc) for all available characters. Talk about tedious.

Now, every time I play it, I get them all (except Level 4 of course) in the Mythril Cavern right after you leave the second town. Takes about an hour in there!
Last time i played it i used the Fury trick and i got almost every characters last limit break..
i got the "full life" materia, and i also got the "final move" materia (or something). anyway, combine the two and whenever you die, your characters last move is to cast full life on himself, reviving himslef lol :) trouble is it only works once, so your not invincible... :(
I remember getting Angermax and Finishing Touch before Materia Keeper. He kept killing me, so I spent hours on Mt. Nibel just fighting, getting exp. Let's just say everything else was pointlessly easy all the way up until the Weapons started appearing. :D
NO FFVII TALK! That game stole alot of time from my life! I spent a summer playing it like 6-12 hours a day!
MaxiKana said:
NO FFVII TALK! That game stole alot of time from my life! I spent a summer playing it like 6-12 hours a day!

What would you prefer? FF8? :P

(even though I wouldn't mind....most underrated game ever....)
The grat thing about FF games is that you can just continue to level up as much as you want. I had a frend who didnt know what to do on FF8, so he got his whole party up to level 30 right before he had to fight ifrit. I think he got so bored he never played it again... WHAT A WASTE lol :)
I got pretty much everything for Cloud, Cid and Yuffie on disc 3 then got bored. Gave it to a friend for his birthday :D

Never did beat those damnable weapons...
Good te see we have some people here that played FFVII. FFVII is the best game i ever played, it was in 1998 if i am correct. I played it on the ps1 and i was so into the game. Kept playing hours and hours. Anyway, i have played the game like 6 times , and i have it on my pc. I still play it sometimes to fresh my mind up. Great game! Also i did get everything in FFVII, to beating all weapons, getting the gold chocobo etc. I am a big fan, i always want to get everything in the Final Fantasy game. Last was ffx-2, getting 100% and all dresspheres.

Now i am waiting for FFVII:AC , and the next Final Fantasy game, FFXII.
Also next year is the year of FFVII: Dirge Of Cerberus. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3134774

Starring Vincent Valentine, maybe in a Devil May Cry kind of way. Though i prefer the classic Final Fantasy gameplay. Will see, but its nice to know more about the past of Vincent and other things like the Shinra company.
I've played FFVII 13 times since i bought it in 1999. When it first came out, I rented it, and told my friends "the game sucks cuz I could never get it to work." The rented game disc was scratched too hell and wouldn't run, so I said F it.

A year after it's release after all the great reviews I buy it on the cheap, and it becomes my favorite game of all time.
FFVII?.... dont get me started...
i still play it (religiously).

im missing like 5 items and 1 weapon..
then i have 100% of all collectible items/materias/weapons/blablabla :P ;) :P
My favourite game of all time too...my friend and i used to play it togheter...so many memories :)
Yeah, first time I played it was when I rented it and I got bored of it very quickly. The teddy bear models got to me so I couldn't really get much enjoyment from it. About a half year later it went platinum and -something- drew me to purchase it.

Best. RPG. Ever.
5 items and 1 weapon?!! How could you miss them?!! :) My friend tried to get the 10 bilion gills so he could rebuild Midgar. Unfortunatly he didn't get it.
I hate FF7, you can tell by my avatar, and the 3000/3274 posts I've made that refer back to FF7 one way or another.
I have a lot of great memories of this game. Memories i never had with any other game.
Yes.All my fault too.
Here's the order as I recall
Disc 2)Mightily Scratched up sucker. Didnt work
Disc 3)Relaxing on the floor, untill I had to back up with my chair to get something. Snapped in two
Disc 1) In great anger over the loss of disc 3, I pocceded to snap this disc in half. I am a bonafied fool, aren't I.

hahhahaha that was funny how you snapped disc 1...btw ff7 is a great game i still do play... still have not beaten emreald but beaten ruby
KagePrototype said:
What would you prefer? FF8? :P

(even though I wouldn't mind....most underrated game ever....)

Thank you at last another FF8 fan. So underrated and in my opinion absolutely brilliant.

Still 6 was the best.
FF8 was great. Except for the magic system. And the limit break system. And the GF system. And the awful repetitiveness.
Overall , best RPG game series for me. And for many other people also
7 was the best. 8 was a close second. 7 had so much to it. and i get a feeling every time i think about it. a feeling i dont get with anything else. if i had to pick between 7 and sex, id pick 7. 8 and sex....sex, kill the girl, then play 8.
i agree with guinny, except for the sex part... and also i really like 9, because it is more simillar to 7 in some way. but 7 is WAY out of any console RPGs league.

the great thing about FF games is although they are extremely linear, they give you a feeling that they are non- linear, because of the world map and the secrets. nowerdays whenever i see an RPG without a world map i am IMMEDEATELY put off. this is also the reason FF10 sucked.. it had a world map, but it was TINY and it wasnt 3d. A world map makes you feel that you really ARE one tiny little person in a huge world!