
Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
First off, thanks to Emazing at Interlopers for the FGD itself... no idea where he got it from, but hey.
Anyhow, I've come up with a couple of tidbits from entity names, comments, and so on.

@PointClass base(Parentname, Targetname, Angles) studio( "models/props_bts/rocket_sentry.mdl" ) = npc_rocket_turret: "Aims a rocket at a target."
We haven't seen anything like this in the trailers - it may be one of the things that show up later in the game, or it may just not turn up at all.

@SolidClass base(Trigger, Targetname) = trigger_portal_cleanser : "A trigger volume that disolves any entities that touch it and fizzles active portals when the player touches it."
About what we'd figured out from various gameplay videos; boxes that go through the sparkly force-field things just dissolve, and new ones probably get dropped out of the dispenser-things.

This one's interesting:
@SolidClass base(Origin, Angles) = func_liquidportal : "A space that fills with portal liquid and teleports entities when done filling"
"Portal liquid"? Again, haven't seen anything like that. Should make for some interesting puzzles, if, for example, you have to get something out of the "space" before it gets teleported away.

// Cores of GlaDOS computer. Resemble little eyeballs with handles. These play lines and look around when near the player.
@PointClass base(BasePropPhysics) studioprop() studio( "models/props_bts/glados_ball_reference.mdl" ) = prop_glados_core : "Core of GlaDOS computer."
	CoreType(choices) : "Core Personality" : 1 : "Which personality VO set the core is set to." =
		0 : "Curious"
		1 : "Aggressive"
		2 : "Crazy"
		3 : "None"
Looks like we get to see something more of the aperturescience.com system... also, now we know what the weird eye-things from some of the Portal-themed Peggle Extreme levels are.

@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, Studiomodel) studio( "models/props/security_camera.mdl" ) = npc_security_camera : "Security Camera"
	output OnDeploy(void) : "Camera is becoming active and dangerous."
	output OnRetire(void) : "Camera is becoming inactive and harmless."
We've seen the cameras before, but apparently they can - somehow - be "dangerous". Security alerts during your escape attempt, maybe?

@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, Parentname) studio("models/editor/axis_helper_thick.mdl") = vgui_neurotoxin_countdown : "Neurotoxin Countdown"
I'm going to have to go way-out to make any sense of this one. To me, it suggests that at some point you're poisoned - possibly with cake, possibly some other way, but it seems most fitting to me that the "cake" they've been promising is at the same time their way of cleanly disposing of you. You then are literally under the clock - you have until the "countdown" runs out to solve some super-complicated puzzle, to get to an antidote or something. Should be interesting.

Rocket sentries?

I wonder if the portal liquid is related to the portal pools in HL1. Those were the growing green ponds that teleported you places if you stepped in them.
Digital female narrator is also part of GLaDOS
Video from Gamestar (German)


Nice ending!

Did you know you can donate one of your vital organs to the Aperture Science...?
Video from Gamestar (German)


Nice ending!

Did you know you can donate one of your vital organs to the Aperture Science...?

-does that video show the ending to portal?
Of course not, only ending of the video is very nice.
Really bad spoiler? Why? It's just another gameplay video. :rolleyes:
Wow, that video is amazing. The games looks harder than I taught it will be.

"Thank you for helping us help you help us all." Nice!
Lovely new crosshair! And I think the Portal liquid is just that slime in the pits.

Rocket turrets sound nasty.
And I think the Portal liquid is just that slime in the pits.
and teleports entities when done filling
Don't think so. For one, we haven't seen the pits "filling" at all, and for another,
the narrator said:
Contact with the floor of the chamber will result in an "unsatisfactory" mark on your test record, followed by death.
(not exact, but as reported from a magazine's playtest writeup)