Fight Night Round 4


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Thought I'd see a thread about this on here...oh well

Brilliant game, quite different from 3 so it took me a while to get used to. Anyone else got it on the PS3?
My roomate got it for the 360. I only played the demo a couple of times, but it seems like just jabbing all the time can easily win the match.
I thought the demo sucked. It seemed extremely arcady. Is it better with full length fights?
The AI in the demo was shit, tbh. In the full game you have a hard time scoring solid punches and can't just mash the joystick. Takes a lot more tactics (working the body, stay outside) and reach/height really matter.
I decided not to buy it because of the demo, just picked up Round 3 for $20 instead. It just seemed like all the tactics were sapped out of it and it was just a ****ing ridiculous punching cluster**** where you slap the analogue a lot and win.

I hope I didn't **** myself out of a good game, I loved Round 3 and was really looking forward to 4 ... but that demo just completely turned me off.
I played the full version over at a friends PS3s(I'm getting it for 360 myself but it's not out here in stores yet), and I found it to be a lot better than the demo, as already noted, the AI is a lot better and more responsive, as well as realistic, and overall, FNR4 feels a lot more realistic to me than FNR3 ever did.

Also smwScott, you really need to calm down, no need for all those bad words!:p
I'm a big Fight Night fan and a fan of boxing games in general. I still remember playing Evander Holyfield's Real Deal boxing and Buster Douglas' KO boxing on the Sega Genesis like it was yesterday.

I had Round 3 on the PS2 a while back but traded it in for the 360 version not long ago. The graphics in Round 4 doesn't seem to be much of an improvement over Round 3, but maybe that's because I've only seen it in screenshots and not in action.

The biggest problem with Round 3's AI was it's extremely exploitable body blows. For some reason, almost every fighter with exception to Muhammad Ali always falls for the ol' sucker punch. That is, work the body with some jabs to get them off guard then nail them with a haymaker to the head. Conversely, once your opponents are dizzy and about to fall, strike a few feint jabs at the head just to catch them off guard them slug them in the stomach. Works every time. None of them ever seem to cover up the body well enough. I've been wondering if Round 4 suffers from this same exploit?

Muhammad Ali was the only opponent I've ever lost a fight too and that's on the hardest setting. He seemed to be the only AI character who knew how to fight.

The Fight Night series is best enjoyed with friends anyways though as the AI in all the series seemed to suck.

BTW, I can beat anyone with a balanced style boxer with fast punches. The best style in the game and also why Evander Holyfield is my favorite when not playing a custom fighter.
I just played the demo over my friends house, and I really wasn't expecting the controls. It was pretty fun. Nice graphics and everytime you hit someone the sweat look realistic. I would actually think about buying it if I were bored.
I was watching some video earlier. E3 or a conference of some sort and they showed all the improvements, and it was pretty substantial.
I've been wondering if Round 4 suffers from this same exploit?

Nope, no insta knockdowns with big body blows. Body shots are useless if you want to stun a guy, the only way it seems to get him stunned is with head shots. Body blows are just for taking the wind out of a fighter, so they're really helpful when you want to slow a guy down.

The counter system also got a big update. If you just go and swing like crazy at a guy he'll have an easy chance of dodging your blows and coming back at your with even more powerful counter shots, so you kinda need to be tactical with your hits.
Nope, no insta knockdowns with big body blows. Body shots are useless if you want to stun a guy, the only way it seems to get him stunned is with head shots. Body blows are just for taking the wind out of a fighter, so they're really helpful when you want to slow a guy down.

The counter system also got a big update. If you just go and swing like crazy at a guy he'll have an easy chance of dodging your blows and coming back at your with even more powerful counter shots, so you kinda need to be tactical with your hits.
I wasn't talking about the flash-KO's. I meant once the player/opponent gets dizzy and the game goes into slo-mo. Body blows were never a good way to stun an opponent, but you could still pound the crap out the body until they fell. Round 2 and Round 3 AI opponents fail at protecting the body.
If you don't set up your haymakers they will always block them, they seem to protect the body/head pretty evenly. The only thing the AI seems to have trouble with is protecting themselves once they get stunned, but I think that's more of a case of just what happens when you get stunned.
Try it next time. Fool them with a few jabs up top, then you can simply unload on the body. I'm telling you, if all else fails, it always seems to work for me. Then again, the whole dodge and lean tactic was also too exploitable in previous Fight Night's. You could simply dance your way out of trouble while barely blocking at all. It would make more since if this tactic also tired opponents out after a while as power sluggers like Joe Fraizer are useless against this exploit. I can easily beat a heavyweight like James Toney with a featherweight fighter.

Try bobbing and weaving irl for awhile if your in pretty good shape. You'll see what I mean.