Figurines (desk decorations)


Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Well I'm starting at best buy sometime this coming week....

and I plan on saving for THIS

anybody else have desk figurines?

I have a small Motoko...and a samll Helena from DoA.
I've only got a few figurines; I collect more action figures. Right now figurine-wise I've got a Kaolla Su from Love Hina sitting on top of my computer, and a tiny Skeletor standing on my computer desk. In my bedroom I've got an Ansem from Kingdom Hearts and an Aizen Sousuke from Bleach.
I have a..... nothing... :(

I'm too poor to spend 99.95 on Motoko :(
Talk about a waste of money! I grew out of figurines when I was 11 :D
I'm not big fan of action figures but maybe I will buy Metal Gear RAY.
I have some Warhammer FB and 40k models scattered around but other than that no not really
I've got a hole shit load of "Homies"...
does that count?
Warhammer is imo way to expensive, shame really the concept is nice.

Anyway as for me I have a solidus snake figure on my desktop
I always have an empty beer can on my desk. :|
I got some weird worm clay thing on my desk, I have no idea where it came from...

...Maybe I should just grab my entire collection of Storm Trooper/Imperial Officer figurines (About 10-15 D: ) out of my toy box and put them on thar :D
I dont have anything on my desk... but I used to have a clay penis on my refrigerator and a clay vagina on my cabinets.