Aww what the hell. Filefront has always been my favorite and only place I go to get stuff. I always got good download speeds without having to wait in line.

That sucks.

lol it redirected me to an ad first.
I know, and I have a lot of stuff uploaded there. :flame:
I'm sure as hell not going to use file planet, that site sucks ASS!!
I'll just have to find some other convenient file hosting site...
that place was amazing, going to miss it and also WTF!???
Oh shit, make sure you grab your uploaded videos and shit quickly if you dont have them on your hard drive still.
Goddamnit, that's the fastest place I know. I really hope I don't have to resort to....fileplanet T_T
Sad news indeed. If I wanted to download >1GB files fast and reliably, Filefront was always a good choice.

...and yet Fileplanet prevails. Where is justice when you need it?!
They really were the fastest but i stopped using them. Sucks.
I only ever used FileFront. What the hell? What is this FilePlanet everyone speaks of?

Oh well, at least I'm not big into PC gaming at the moment. Where else would I download mods?

I will be there Monday to watch the demolition crew rip those annoying ads off the site and delete everyone's account. Sounds like fun.

EDIT> This gives me an idea though. We should have some of our flash gurus around here make a funny movie of our beloved being decommissioned and destroyed with a wreaking ball, and have Munro stand around cluelessly trying to figure out why Pi Mu Rho sold him out.

Oh, don't mind me. :|
wtf, i got speeds of 1mbs there. this will suck :|
Why is it being closed, I got mods and other stuff from that site!
What the hell? Where am I gonna go now? That was the only place I ever downloaded stuff from. Everywhere else was terrible. Why would FileFront close down when a shit site that everyone hates like FilePlanet still goes on? This is awful news. Hopefully companies will start releasing their demos through Steam more often now.l
I lolled at that as well.

Same here... gotta get in some last bits of micromoney!

I used filefront occasionally, when it was a mirror of some download I was doing, but typically I did not use it seriously.
Ahh man, loved this site. Shame to see them go. I still wont use FilePlanet.
I still wont use FilePlanet.

Boycotting FilePlanet FTW. But the question is... are there any other sites dedicated for mods, maps, downloads? Or was it basicaly just FileFront and FilePlanet?
Gamershell is the best now, I reckon.
My second choice. They have pretty good download speeds - FilePlanet isn't even an option.

What exactly happened to the site? Casualty of the economy? I didn't RTFA.
Seems like I used to use download sites like this a lot more than I do nowadays... I can't remember the last time I needed to go to one. (Obviously this doesn't shock me :p)
Damn, got 98% of my files from here.

Where the **** will I get my shit from now?! FILEPLANET?! D:

edit: ****.
Meh, filefront blocked its access to DAP. Gamershell is much better, allows for DAP speed boosting, and I always get speeds of 1.5Mbps there. Filefront sucks compared to this site.

So this is your alternative guys:
Err... can you upload your own files on gamershell?
I've not really been to FileFront much in the past few years, so it's not really impacting me, but it sucks in general....
FileFront was awesome. FilePlanet is ****ing horrendous.
Oh shit, my computer's gone back in time to 2000 when we didn't use torrents for everything

Heh I used Filefront a total of one time to upload a 14MB file that used about 110GB of bandwidth over it's lifetime. Fun.

For gaming related files I primarily use but it'll take a day or so before you get a file on there.