Fin - The Small Psychotic Robot Inside Us All.



That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

This is a character I've been drawing for a few years now, on-and-off. He's had many exciting adventures, and even died once in the pursuit of toast.

This is most of the stuff I've done with the guy, with some choice pieces taken out for one reason or another (the words "This is" contain the link, in case anyone was wondering.)

He's picked up quite a fanclub over the years, and our very own The Dark Elf drew a superb picture of him using his own style.

Anyway, thought I'd post him for your approval.
Some of them are pretty funny! :p :D
It kinda reminds me of a character series me and my friend did called "Tub of Lard and Tub of Ice Cream : The Adventures" (yeah, stupid title)
BTW, the names that you made up are pretty funny too, in particular "Lucifin" and "Finja". :LOL:
Hmm, I think the link may be down Zerimski. No matter, I remember Fin :)

I also remember a certain bear I was going to purchase with a Fin sketch on its t-shirt :)
Zerimski said:
He's picked up quite a fanclub over the years, and our very own The Dark Elf drew a superb picture of him using his own style.

Dave on the left, Fin on the right.

Not much to see really. This is going towards something bigger though.

Also, he has a new pet.

I find it unoriginal: an excuse to be lazy. It's too easy to draw something cute. Your's is horribly simple. You might want to find a new theme for this guy, the 'random' thing just isn't cutting it any more. White Ninja holds that.
vegeta897 said:
I find it unoriginal: an excuse to be lazy. It's too easy to draw something cute. Your's is horribly simple. You might want to find a new theme for this guy, the 'random' thing just isn't cutting it any more. White Ninja holds that.
no offence vegeta but have you ever tried drawing a character like that? It's not easy.
Yes, they are called doodles.

EDIT: Hmm, I can't seem to find one shot of him from the side. Who would have thought.

EDIT 2: Look at my avatar TDE. That looks about the same quality as this little robot. These simplistic doodles are good for animation. Quick and distinguishable. These little poses old Zerimski is doing don't seem appealing to me. All facing forward, same facial expression, yawn.
is it because they appear to be made out of noodles?

vegeta897 said:
Yes, they are called doodles.

EDIT: Hmm, I can't seem to find one shot of him from the side. Who would have thought.
ok you need to look deeper than just what it appears to be the second you look at it. Next you'll be telling us Salad Fingers is just a doodle and nothing special. Just because something isn't drawn photorealistically doesn't make it crap.

Besides in another thread you almost climax at some photoshop filtered screenshots of some flight sim. Fin is more creative.
The Dark Elf said:
ok you need to look deeper than just what it appears to be the second you look at it. Next you'll be telling us Salad Fingers is just a doodle and nothing special. Just because something isn't drawn photorealistically doesn't make it crap.

Besides in another thread you almost climax at some photoshop filtered screenshots of some flight sim. Fin is more creative.
Well put.
Sorry, could you point me in the direction of the creative part?

Salad fingers is genius work. I think the artwork is one of the best parts.

The airplane pictures were visually appealing, and took way more than 2 minutes to draw.
vegeta897 said:
Sorry, could you point me in the direction of the creative part?

Salad fingers is genius work. I think the artwork is one of the best parts.

The airplane pictures were visually appealing, and took way more than 2 minutes to draw.
If you can't see it yet you never will.
It's just that I've done thousands of these things before. Take a cute doodle and put him in funny poses or situations. Sure, I smiled at some of Z's pictures, but that doesn't make them worth all this commotion.
vegeta897 said:
It's just that I've done thousands of these things before. Take a cute doodle and put him in funny poses or situations. Sure, I smiled at some of Z's pictures, but that doesn't make them worth all this commotion.
yeah and im sure some people said the same about salad fingers when they were nothing more than doodles in the back of his school books.. they said the same about lenore and making fiends, look at them now. Fin is going places.
We'll see. I honestly hope he does.

Don't take me the wrong way or anything, but if I wanted to I could do this exact thing. I just don't see the "special" part.

EDIT: Elf, I think you are missing the point though. The drawings mean very little to me. I'm talking about the content. Random stuff like this just isn't really funny, and/or won't "last".

For example, has animation with simple doodles, but he is a genius with his ideas. They have very deep and well thought out meaning.
vegeta897 said:
We'll see. I honestly hope he does.

Don't take me the wrong way or anything, but if I wanted to I could do this exact thing. I just don't see the "special" part.

EDIT: Elf, I think you are missing the point though. The drawings mean very little to me. I'm talking about the content. Random stuff like this just isn't really funny, and/or won't "last".

For example, has animation with simple doodles, but he is a genius with his ideas. They have very deep and well thought out meaning.
these are deep and thought out too, only Zerimski isn't holding anyone's hands and explaining the meanings behind them.

I'm not the one missing the point here, you are, otherwise you'd see them for what they really are, not as just doodles :)

and since you reckon you can do it, go ahead, i look forward to your masterpieces :)
C'mon Vegeta, If you don't admire the drawings you can atleast like the creative names. ( :LOL: )
Uhh I believe I just said they aren't masterpieces?


I'm getting an odd feeling that Zerimski has brainwashed you all. I'm confused.
People are allowed to like his drawings. People are allowed to not like his drawings. People are allowed to think his drawings are OK.
StardogChampion said:
People are allowed to like his drawings. People are allowed to not like his drawings. People are allowed to think his drawings are OK.
I hope that's not directed at me. It doesn't matter whether I like them or not. But I do, because I do them myself aswell.
vegeta897 said:
I hope that's not directed at me. It doesn't matter whether I like them or not. But I do, because I do them myself aswell.
Stardog wasn't insulting you, he was simply saying some can like it, some can hate it, some can think its ok.
I know they're not masterpieces. They're not supposed to be. I also know that they're not hilariously funny. Again, they're not supposed to be. If they appear to be doodles, that's probably because they are. I've never claimed to be a great artist, I know these are very simple drawings and I believe that to be part of the charm. I've always believed that it's not necessarilly the quality of the visuals that counts. You can have the most beautiful image in the world, but to me unless it also has character, it might as well be empty. I believe Fin has character.

these are deep and thought out too, only Zerimski isn't holding anyone's hands and explaining the meanings behind them.

Thanks, good to see someone understands. I don't add captions, because I don't see a need to.

Hmm, I can't seem to find one shot of him from the side. Who would have thought.

The ancient Egyptians catalogued and chronicled their entire civilisation only showing people in profile view. It's been done ;)

If you don't like them, fair play. You can't please everyone.

And thanks to everyone who has posted in support, it's much appreciated :) And if anyone happens to want something drawn, just give me a shout and I'll see what I can do.
You people mis-understand what I'm saying. I've said countless times the quality of this type of art doesn't matter.

But I'm done arguing, because I can't convince you and you can't convince me.