Final Fantasy 7 for the PC

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Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Well I just torrented (oops) the ff7 ultima edition. I was kinda hoping it'd have the music from the playstation version, but its still the same midi crap form. Is there any way or any file out there to get the original music? Also, it doesn't seem to work past new game. I hit new game and the screen where a movie is supposed to start doesn't and it just sits there. But it says the program is still running. I know this is incredibly odd for me to post this kinda problem but as you can tell from my avatar I MUST play it!
I downloaded the game and for me the music was there plus it worked. Make sure to read through all the Read Me's just to make sure that you don't have to apply some patches.
It worked on my p4 system then i dl'ed it on this a64, and it didnt work. the music IS there its just that midi crap and not the actual music from the ps version. Where did you get your from? If you wanna pm it to me that'd be great thanks.
Chiming in randomly here, I know the mods will want to lock this, but you should consider that FF7 PC is abandonware, you can't get it ANYWHERE past very selective ebay sales.
Shuzer said:
Chiming in randomly here, I know the mods will want to lock this, but you should consider that FF7 PC is abandonware, you can't get it ANYWHERE past very selective ebay sales.

Locked bacuse it's warez discussion.

1) Regardless of support, it's still copyrighted material and illegal to download w/o paying.
2) I don't know what you're smoking, but at the mall by me there is a Gamestop and an EB. Both have copies (as of a week ago).
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