Final Fantasy tech demo more than a demo??

A FF7 remake would be awesome ;) no a FF6 remake would be EVEN BETTER:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I never actually played FF7. Someone mind outlining the story for me?
bvasgm said:
I never actually played FF7. Someone mind outlining the story for me?

Why don't you buy the game and play it! :P It is seriously awesome!

You are able to run it on your PS2 if you have one, and you can pick up the game probably for like 5-10 bucks... It is just amazing...

Chocobos rock your socks :imu:

If Square-Enix remakes FF7 with those graphics... O.... M....... G....... There will be happy gamers kissing their feet!!!

Ugh I feel like playing FF7 now :P
Kissing there feet? Kiss anywhere they like long as they bring out this game! Hopefully with some extras included.
Iced_Eagle said:
Hmmm extras as in Co-Op singleplayer?


Extra mini games, more bosses, more matriea(sp?). Able to play as Zack without using a gameshark thing. Stuff like that.
B-MAn said:
A FF7 remake would be awesome ;) no a FF6 remake would be EVEN BETTER:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

This man speaks the truth...
Pesmerga said:
FF7 is the best game made for the PS1, ever.
i would buy 7 copies of an ff7 remake
Of the Final Fantasy's I've played I would rate them FF7>FF8=FF10>FF9>getting stabbed in the gut with a tentinous-infected rusty knife>FF10-2.

So, yes, I would like to see a remake of FF7. If there is none, I will riot. Oh how I will riot. Who's with me?
I'd love an FF7 remake.

FF8 had the best FF ending however.
Here is my ranking for FF's

FF6 And FFT kind of tie right here..
The rest fall way down here..guh.
JellyWorld said:
:eek: you made t3h Ritz angry!!!!
come on you know its the best

nah really , i'd like to play a remake for FF7 , alot of people say its the best
They should remake Final Fantasy 3.....well 3 in the United States anyway.

That one was sweet.
CyberPitz said:
The rest fall way down here..guh.

While I admire that it's the last on the list, I stil want you to burn in hell for it ever being on the list.
Pesmerga said:
While I admire that it's the last on the list, I stil want you to burn in hell for it ever being on the list.
I actually really enjoyed it (well, in comparison to FFX, still didn't compare to any of the others..I rank it a billion points higher then ff8..worthless game :( )

But hay, it wasn't THAT had the non-english speaking whore hear about Yuna dancing for a price, and he reaches into his crotch..that's not that bad ;)
DarkStar said:
They should remake Final Fantasy 3.....well 3 in the United States anyway.

That one was sweet.
If but FF3 you mean FF6 in jap then :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:) Final Fantasy 6 was the shit! It had like 32 summons!
I liked FFX alot... FFX-2 I played up untill the last few bosses but couldnt be bothered to finsh it. FF8 had the worst ending out of all of them "Look! Im the big bad witch women, kill me! Oh no you killed me, now have another fight for NO reason at all! With an even more pussy endboss! Oh no you killed him too, now squall will stop being a moody bitch and smile, SURPRIZE the end."
It was good, I borrowed it off a friend but it crashed every time I got to a certain part 'cause the disk was scratched. Can someone tell me was Ruby Weapon one of those secret bosses you had to sidetrack to fight or a proper one?
ríomhaire said:
It was good, I borrowed it off a friend but it crashed every time I got to a certain part 'cause the disk was scratched. Can someone tell me was Ruby Weapon one of those secret bosses you had to sidetrack to fight or a proper one?

There were 2 super 'weapons'(Ruby and Emerald), they are side quest bosses, the two hardest too. You eally have to build up your characters to defeat the two.
Never been interested in FF for some reason. I'm guessing the look of the game puts me off.

Are there any FF games for the PC?
Oh come on Enix know this will sell big time. It simply has to be done. Theres no real reason why it shouldn't, and with the movie and all the other FF7 side projects their doing why not?
All the final fantasy games sucked except for 1 and 10!

That proves that one in every 10 of their games are great.

They need to do a final fantasy 1 remake... with freaking beautiful ass 2d graphics, for a mind boggling experience <nods> yup. Old school final fantasy.
If 1 and 10 were great it would be a 2/10.
Raziaar said:
All the final fantasy games sucked except for 1 and 10!

That proves that one in every 10 of their games are great.

They need to do a final fantasy 1 remake... with freaking beautiful ass 2d graphics, for a mind boggling experience <nods> yup. Old school final fantasy.

Wouldn't it be 2 in every 10 (or 1 in every 5 if you're partial to that)? :p
Bah. I didn't get any sleep. What I meant, was that every tenth final fantasy game ever made will be great.

So yes, what I said was incorrect, but you know what I meant. I was saying that the next great final fantasy game will be final fantasy 20.
Murray_H said:
Never been interested in FF for some reason. I'm guessing the look of the game puts me off.
Are there any FF games for the PC?

7 and 8 but they are direct port so they're better on Playstation. Unless you have a gamepad for PC and you download some fix (like the fix for FF7 on WinXP, that game is kind of old, 1997 if I remember correctly).
FF11 is on PC as well of course. Given that finding the PC versions of 7 and 8 is almost as much of a chore as getting them to run properly on a modern PC, owning a PSOne or having a decent PSOne emulator is the way to go. I played all of FF9 on an emulator and it was as good as playing it on Playstation.

FF6 / Tactics are the best IMO. I feel for Final Fantasy VII. It's udders must be oh so sore.
Burn said:
I liked FFX alot... FFX-2 I played up untill the last few bosses but couldnt be bothered to finsh it. FF8 had the worst ending out of all of them "Look! Im the big bad witch women, kill me! Oh no you killed me, now have another fight for NO reason at all! With an even more pussy endboss! Oh no you killed him too, now squall will stop being a moody bitch and smile, SURPRIZE the end."

I quit FFX-2 right when they asked me to put on a second 'concert' in the thunder plains. I thought the battle system was well thought out and unique, but I couldn't put up with all the kiddieness and the mini-games.
staticprimer said:
I quit FFX-2 right when they asked me to put on a second 'concert' in the thunder plains. I thought the battle system was well thought out and unique, but I couldn't put up with all the kiddieness and the mini-games.

I just can't bring myself to play FFX-2. Does it continue the story of FFX? Because I loved the story in that, I was totally mesmerised, even forgetting that I wasn't actually playing very much 'game'. It was more like a slightly interactive movie for me, and I was very content with it.
As far as I know it does not continue the story. They only reason it is X-2 is because it is in the same world as X.
staticprimer said:
As far as I know it does not continue the story. They only reason it is X-2 is because it is in the same world as X.
Which is nice and convienient from the POV of one of the world's laziest developers.
staticprimer said:
As far as I know it does not continue the story. They only reason it is X-2 is because it is in the same world as X.

I hear that the three chicks are sphere hunters now and Yuna found a sphere showing that Tidus was still alive somewhere (I was glad he was dead).

If they do make an FF7 remake... that would rule but for now...

Get your waiting hats on because this it's gonna be a while.

EDIT: Best materia combo in FF7 ever.

* = means linked

Mime = Counter
Knights of the Round = HP Absorb

Start off the battle with a couple castings of KOTR and then you'll win (unless the boss has a move that can kill you in one hit, then you add in Final Attack = Phoenix). This is with just one character alive. Or you can just sit there with the other chars and do nothing.