Finally, I think I'm getting over my 'Doormattism"


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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After reading "The Game" by Neil Strauss, I think I'm finally ready to stop letting girls walk all over me. I'm going to finally take this shit by the balls, and stop. It's a good feeling....I can't remember who recommended the book to me, but thank you.
Mreh, don't take that sort of reading too to heart. There's validity there but it's buried in belittling, devolved masochism.
I never read that book to find out how to pick up chicks. I read it to hopefully up my self-esteem and give me some 'courage'. Really, it give some ways to open up to some girls I've never met, but I really won't be going to clubs and bars to sarge every woman there.

And Ravioli, I've had too many girls lead me on when they were feeling down, then when they are back up in spirits, what they lead me on with, they drop me off the face of the earth, until I'm next needed. I'm sick of it. If they do it again, I'm going to tell them Wal-Mart has Doormats for sell.
a healthy "meh" attitude works wonders with the ladies ..see women cant stand being ignored if they say something like "we should be friends" the proper response should be ..meh, but that doesnt prevent you from performing oral does it?

ok it's overused but works like a charm seriously said as a joke to the right woman can lead to positive results ..I'm not guarenteeing oral but it's there ..eventually

my advice is just be yourself and dont treat women any differently than you would anyone else
Treat women nicely. And if they f*ck you over then work up a plan to destroy their lives. Remember to start small and cover your tracks. And when her life is completely f*cked just laugh in her face. Revenge is a dish best served cold, with a side of "go f*ck yourself" :)

Or, you could just be nice to women and if they treat you like a doormat, when they come back later tell them how it made you feel and that if they truly want someone as a friend, they have to treat them nice all the time, not just when they need them. Maybe it'll sober them up.
just pretend to tell secrets to your friends when they see you, then laugh....make fat motions
I figured a good ol', "Well, I'm sick of your shit, so GTFO." Sort of attitude when it came to them.
"Blacks are inferior, why let them treat you otherwise?"

That would get me an infraction, because racism is bad while sexism is apparently just funny.

Perhaps. It's just the general climate on most of the internet.
It was me who recommended it you on msn.

This is brilliant, we have lots to discuss.