Finally: LA Times writes postive article on gaming and violence


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Hillary vs. the Xbox: Game over

"I'm writing to commend you for calling for a $90-million study on the effects of video games on children, and in particular the courageous stand you have taken in recent weeks against the notorious "Grand Theft Auto" series.

I'd like to draw your attention to another game whose nonstop violence and hostility has captured the attention of millions of kids — a game that instills aggressive thoughts in the minds of its players, some of whom have gone on to commit real-world acts of violence and sexual assault after playing.

I'm talking, of course, about high school football."

about time mainstream media woke up and saw this for what it is: a witch hunt
This is truely a great article, give it a read and party on!
I'd just like to mention that it is an op-ed piece, and not an article that has the "support" of the paper. Mainstream media isn't waking up to anything, they merely published this guys editorial because a)he just wrote a book about it that's selling well and b)it benefits them to show both sides of an issue.

It's a good editorial, but I wouldn't get too excited about mainsteam media waking up to anything.
There's a great truth to what is written in the article. The games that parents want their kids to be playing (i.e. Board Games, Sports) offer less challenge to the mind than playing video games.

Consider this one fascinating trend among teenagers: They're spending less time watching professional sports and more time simulating those sports on Xbox or PlayStation. Now, which activity challenges the mind more — sitting around rooting for the Packers, or managing an entire football franchise through a season of "Madden 2005": calling plays, setting lineups, trading players and negotiating contracts? Which challenges the mind more — zoning out to the lives of fictional characters on a televised soap opera, or actively managing the lives of dozens of virtual characters in a game such as "The Sims"?

He also demonstrates that crimes have dropped and SAT scores have never been higher. Children today may very well be smarter than their parents when they were kids, and it's mostly because of video games and the virtual world. If video games are making kids smarter, then where's the problem?

It's finally great to see facts instead of fiction. Proof that the positives outway the negatives by a wide margin. :)
SidewinderX said:
I'd just like to mention that it is an op-ed piece, and not an article that has the "support" of the paper. Mainstream media isn't waking up to anything, they merely published this guys editorial because a)he just wrote a book about it that's selling well and b)it benefits them to show both sides of an issue.

It's a good editorial, but I wouldn't get too excited about mainsteam media waking up to anything.

party pooper :sniper: :E

Can we contact this guy who wrote this and ask him to write to every other newspaper ever as well?

(Well, not every paper. But some, because i would like positive articles on gaming to actually go somewhere, rather than LA)
Jintor said:

Can we contact this guy who wrote this and ask him to write to every other newspaper ever as well?

(Well, not every paper. But some, because i would like positive articles on gaming to actually go somewhere, rather than LA)

he's an editorialist, not an activist.

Bravo, Stern for this. Finally an article in a reputable newspaper lambasts this ridiculous witchhunt by Clinton. She must have thought this would propel her to more popularity for a potential 2009 presidency. 'She supports keeping immoral material out of the hands of children.' Most ignorant people of this issue would think, "Go Sen. Clinton! Protect our children. Down with smutty material."

To me, this whole affair appears an attempt to add congressional oversight to parenting.
clear some pms stern you cant receive. also I think I forgot in the one i sent, i'll reread both part 1 and part 2 tomorrow to reply when I am awake and aware. goodnight