Finally some competition for Moore!


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Haha! Just found this site. This guy's film probably won't be as popular as Fahrenheit but I'm still behind him. Watch the trailer. I can't wait for this to come out!

Michael Moore Hates America
Yeah, Michael Moore is SO a liar! Don't listen to anything he says! It's all lies!
I mean ok, so the blokes who made this film never showed any proof of him lying but hey! Who gives a damn as long as you can blame him!?
I can repeat myself as I did so many times by saying: So what if he streches the truth a little? The main point is still there and THAT is NOT a lie!
moz4rt said:
Haha! Just found this site. This guy's film probably won't be as popular as Fahrenheit but I'm still behind him. Watch the trailer. I can't wait for this to come out!

Michael Moore Hates America

Okay, first things first. I'm no big fan of Michael Moore. In my view he's no different than Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. Extremists on any side of politics are either misinformed or just blinded by ideology.

But those trailers are awful. What is this guy's film about? He doesn't present one piece of evidence in those trailers that Michael Moore is a liar. It's just a bunch of people giving their opinions. Its completely boring. No matter your view on how how he edits his films, at least Michael Moore gathers interesting material.
honestly, unless someone has something substantive to say, "moore threads" should just be locked asap. especially once someone busts out the bowlingfortruth link seemingly on cue.

as far as the michael wilson movie goes, i wouldn't mind seeing moore sit down with this wannabe. but i've seen him defend his work against others before, so it's not like it would be an epiphany or anything. but judging from the trailer, this just looks like your typical young republican talking to other conservatives about how much they hate moore.. yawn. i mean come, on dinesh desouza is the only moderately respectable guy he's interviewing. j.c. watts and penn gillette!? :LOL:

well, you gotta start somewhere i guess. if he has any talent, let's hope he does something more with it than striving to be moore's counterpoint.
DarkStar said:
Okay, first things first. I'm no big fan of Michael Moore. In my view he's no different than Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. Extremists on any side of politics are either misinformed or just blinded by ideology.

But those trailers are awful. What is this guy's film about? He doesn't present one piece of evidence in those trailers that Michael Moore is a liar. It's just a bunch of people giving their opinions. Its completely boring. No matter your view on how how he edits his films, at least Michael Moore gathers interesting material.

I agree with you.... this is just trash. Moore may be an asshole with an agenda(oh no! so is everone else so ****ing grow up).......but atleast he makes people think.
Yeah, Michael Moore is SO a liar! Don't listen to anything he says! It's all lies!
I mean ok, so the blokes who made this film never showed any proof of him lying but hey! Who gives a damn as long as you can blame him!?
I can repeat myself as I did so many times by saying: So what if he streches the truth a little? The main point is still there and THAT is NOT a lie!

Propaganda?.. with no evidence :rolleyes: , lol Murray, hush hush

It would appear an awful lot of editing and misdirection goes into Mr Moore's work.

its called artistic liscense :rolleyes: he is a comedian you know, and Misdirection if you believe the opposite, its all relative
You can't really call Michael Moore's films or this film a documentary, they are just points of view and evidence taken out of context.
"Michael Moore hates America"?! That's the title of the documentary? Oh ok, I was under the impression that Moore loves his country and wants to show other people what he think is wrong in the States. I mean if he really hated USA he would have moved to Canada by now or somewhere else. But whatever... it miht be interestin nonetheless.
DarkStar said:
Okay, first things first. I'm no big fan of Michael Moore. In my view he's no different than Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. Extremists on any side of politics are either misinformed or just blinded by ideology.

But those trailers are awful. What is this guy's film about? He doesn't present one piece of evidence in those trailers that Michael Moore is a liar. It's just a bunch of people giving their opinions. Its completely boring. No matter your view on how how he edits his films, at least Michael Moore gathers interesting material.

Of couse he's not gonna present any proof in his traiers. They're trailers!! If he gives you proof now then why would you go see the movie? This is the same way Moore makes his trailers. They tell you what the movie is about so it will generate interest.

In the "new" trailer, Moore states that he doesn't appear in anyone's films but his own. That is a strait up lie. So, I guess the trailers do present evidence after all...
I don't think Michael Moor hates America. I believe he dislikes the Administration however.
why do some americans hate Moore so much? By the way some people talk about him you'd think he's some sort of modern day Benedict Arnold. I cant wait till June 25 when fahrenheit 9/11 comes out, then the shite will really hit the fan
yes Mortiz that seems to be his view :), infact he has more insight and intuition into whats going on, than any of us, weither you be in the military or general public.

he seems to have a way of adding 2 and 2 together and seeing that what is being fed to us by the world media isnt the whole picture. Its just ashame that some people get so suckered believeing alot of media to be totally true.
I think it's the other way around.

"America hates Michael Moore" (possibly because he tells the truth about the sick society we live on, and overall we hate hearing our own flaws)

Michael Moore did not fabricated any facts for "Bowling for Columbine". I agree that him beign an extremist, he is quite blind of the good part of his opposing side, but he is never lied.

If he had lied about anything, he would have got sued in a month by someone.
Sprafa said:
If he had lied about anything, he would have got sued in a month by someone.
At least one of those two people will be sued if that is true. :farmer:
one thing moore does do, he backs up his statments... go to the attacko page, for every counter-point he gives, he gives a source, with link, or a video, or a transcript...

the other guy just says he lied, without providing much in the way of proof...
Reaperman said:
one thing moore does do, he backs up his statments... go to the attacko page, for every counter-point he gives, he gives a source, with link, or a video, or a transcript...

the other guy just says he lied, without providing much in the way of proof...

That's my precise point. Most others are full of shit...
Let me get this straight....This person is making a documentary discounting documentaries? And among the analysts, he picks an illusionist...
He may as well have chosen Danny Glover to analyze the UN role in Iraq.

Yes, the bowlingfortruth link has always been the shield to hide behind, I've seen it more than a few times. And I will repeat what I said in an earlier thread: If Michael Moore made even the slightest "misconception", the groups he portrayed would have been able to sue and press charges. They have yet to do so.

In the "new" trailer, Moore states that he doesn't appear in anyone's films but his own. That is a strait up lie. So, I guess the trailers do present evidence after all...
Looks like people other than me use IMDB :D. But seriously, he must've appeared for like mere seconds to offer an opinion. And this guy wants a sit-down interview? Michael Moore may be for the little guy (or more against the big guy), but his time is precious.
moz4rt said:
Of couse he's not gonna present any proof in his traiers. They're trailers!! If he gives you proof now then why would you go see the movie? This is the same way Moore makes his trailers. They tell you what the movie is about so it will generate interest.

In the "new" trailers, Moore states that he doesn't appear in anyone's films but his own. That is a strait up lie. So, I guess the trailers do present evidence after all...

Go watch the trailer for Farenheit 911. Then go watch the trailers for these supposed "films." Which is more interesting and provides at least a MINIMAL amount of supporting evidence?

Some points/issues that the Farenheit trailer raises:

1. Secret flights out of US for Bin Laden family members authorized by Bush.
2. Corporate conference on how much money can be made by war in Iraq.
3. Congressman refusing to have their own children enlist in Army.
4. Orwellian Patriot Act being signed after hours, to avoid media scrutiny.
5. Congressman admitting to not reading bills.
6. My personal favorite, Bush outright admitting that the ELITE is his BASE!
7. Bush's arrogance portrayed in his media address while golfing at the end.

Some points/issues that these "competing" trailers raise:

1. Michael Moore is a liar, because Penn from Penn and Teller says so.
2. Michael Moore misspoke once on an unscripted, live TV interview.

Seriously, go watch the trailers again and tell me that the Farenheit trailer isn't 1000x more interesting. Again, I'm no big supporter of Michael Moore's politics. I'm just a supporter of interesting filmmaking. These trailers are BORING! They are in no way competition for Michael Moore.
Oh, and this Mike Wilson guys claims that Moore is a liar because he edits his films? Well, that's a tough argument to make unless Wilson decides to release his film with all of the footage he shot, completely uncut. Editing films is a necessity. This guy's movie is more moronic the more I think about it.
i think what moore meant by "i dont edit my films" is "i didnt put anything artifical in to support my point", but the guy wants us to think he meant he doesnt edit, period..
I am not a big fan of extremists like Moore, but this Wilson guys film looks to be something that needs some work. It would be more interesting if he had a more obvious point, it says in the text on the site that the movie is not all about Moore lieing, but I think he could do a movie without directly attacking one person. I do find ideas in these movies to be kinda skewed, but everyone wants there opinion to be more standout so they use editing to do that. But you take that to anyone, so I am just rambling so I will just stop.
Dark star I just wrote like an essay about your post... Clicked post, and it was deleted... I give up. /sigh
pat_thetic said:
Dark star I just wrote like an essay about your post... Clicked post, and it was deleted... I give up. /sigh

lol...sorry to hear that man. Now I'm interested about what you said.
Im not sure who we are to dis michael moore (people who dont like having a fellow American question the Integrity of their wonderfully perfect US of A ?) ( I know is not many of us here are over the age of 20).. who cares what we think right?? that seems to be the message coming from bush's presidency, with a magic vote for the war, and his election :rolleyes: .

I lisen to Moore because theres someting a miss in all the events that have taken place, it only takes some intuition to realise this. I dont sense some people are even willing to consider possiblities that sound quite plausible. probably because some of you dont have the foggiest on how the world actually works, and what drives it along from behind the curtains, if you will. Michael Moore probably knows more about the way the world works than the lot of us put together, now if you ask me, thats atleast worth lisening too.

Rednecks excused. :p :rolling:
DarkStar said:
Go watch the trailer for Farenheit 911. Then go watch the trailers for these supposed "films." Which is more interesting and provides at least a MINIMAL amount of supporting evidence?

Some points/issues that the Farenheit trailer raises:

1. Secret flights out of US for Bin Laden family members authorized by Bush.
2. Corporate conference on how much money can be made by war in Iraq.
3. Congressman refusing to have their own children enlist in Army.
4. Orwellian Patriot Act being signed after hours, to avoid media scrutiny.
5. Congressman admitting to not reading bills.
6. My personal favorite, Bush outright admitting that the ELITE is his BASE!
7. Bush's arrogance portrayed in his media address while golfing at the end.

Some points/issues that these "competing" trailers raise:

1. Michael Moore is a liar, because Penn from Penn and Teller says so.
2. Michael Moore misspoke once on an unscripted, live TV interview.

Seriously, go watch the trailers again and tell me that the Farenheit trailer isn't 1000x more interesting. Again, I'm no big supporter of Michael Moore's politics. I'm just a supporter of interesting filmmaking. These trailers are BORING! They are in no way competition for Michael Moore.

Ok I see. Moore isn't a liar, he just misspeaks sometimes. When the guy freaking lies to your face you still can't admit it. I guess Moore should have all of his interviews scripted so he won't be able to "misspeak".

Think about how much more filmmaking experience Moore has. I'd say Wilson is doing pretty good. Why can't you stick up for the little guy instead of supporting the ELITE filmmakers?
clarky003 said:
Im not sure who we are to dis michael moore (people who dont like having a fellow American question the Integrity of their wonderfully perfect US of A ?) ( I know is not many of us here are over the age of 20).. who cares what we think right?? that seems to be the message coming from bush's presidency, with a magic vote for the war, and his election :rolleyes: .

What Michael Wilson is doing to Moore is the same thing that Moore is doing to Bush (and whoever else Moore is after). Wilson is questioning the integrity of Moore. What's wrong with that?
moz4rt said:
What Michael Wilson is doing to Moore is the same thing that Moore is doing to Bush (and whoever else Moore is after). Wilson is questioning the integrity of Moore. What's wrong with that?

Apparently, everything.
I would add some remark here, but I am only 21 years old, I don’t really know how this world works, I don’t have much of experience in that field, so I won’t post my empty thoughts and speculations.

P.S. Damn, I did just that :/
We need someone who is more neutral on the USA giving showing us what is good and bad, what to improve and keep the same. Not just "HERES WHY AMERICAs SUCKS" and then "HERES WHY AMERICAS GREAT" but i guess watching both these films back to back would give you the feeling im talking about.
brink's said:
We need someone who is more neutral on the USA giving showing us what is good and bad, what to improve and keep the same. Not just "HERES WHY AMERICAs SUCKS" and then "HERES WHY AMERICAS GREAT" but i guess watching both these films back to back would give you the feeling im talking about.

You are so right, we need someone like that. Not to sound negative, but I don't think we'll ever find someone who is completely neutral. We are all human and all have strong beliefs that make us lean one way or another.
DarkStar said:
Go watch the trailer for Farenheit 911. Then go watch the trailers for these supposed "films." Which is more interesting and provides at least a MINIMAL amount of supporting evidence?

Some points/issues that the Farenheit trailer raises:

1. Secret flights out of US for Bin Laden family members authorized by Bush.
2. Corporate conference on how much money can be made by war in Iraq.
3. Congressman refusing to have their own children enlist in Army.
4. Orwellian Patriot Act being signed after hours, to avoid media scrutiny.
5. Congressman admitting to not reading bills.
6. My personal favorite, Bush outright admitting that the ELITE is his BASE!
7. Bush's arrogance portrayed in his media address while golfing at the end.

1) Information taken out of context is of no validity whatsoever, wordsl ose their meaning when you purposely take them out of the original text and just use snippets and chunks for your own work. (what Moore does)
2) You mean like firearms companies don't make moneys from wars? How is this evil exactly? It's their business.
3) A congressman is a representative from a state, not some godly figure who should look only toward the good of America, that's a children's POV of the world, real people look after their families first, their countries later (if at all)
4) Lots of acts are passed this way, and while I may not like the contents of said act and disagree strongly with it trying to blame the administration for acts of congress is stupid because Congress is independent fro mthe presidency, in addition to the fact that both parties are represented in said branch.
5)Do you realize how many congressmen and how many bills don't get read? The nation's budget isn't even read fully, as well as many other bills and acts that are passed. There are many methods used in politics such as "logrolling" and "riders" which are basically smaller bills attached to bigger bills that have a higher chance of passing, which forces congressmen to pass said combination of bills or pass neither of them. Not reading bills is known by everyone already and even written about in educational textbooks, this is no new subject and no system is perfect. If Moore can come up with a better system then by all means let him explain it to us while he eats away his millions at Mcdonalds, one of the big corporations he so despises.
6) What? errr I don't know what that means.
7) Politicians are arrogant, so are normal people but you know what... SO IS MICHAEL MOORE.

I'd also like to point out that I'm not American, I'm Venezuelan and I disagree strongly with some of the stuff Moore puts out as "facts". A lot of the crap people are fed as "controversial" is simply taken out of context to prove his point. It's all fine and dandy to support your views and give it to the public, its another thing to support your views with FAKE evidence and then try to sell it to people as the "real deal". Moore is no better than Bush in any aspect, specially when it comes to "deceiving the nation".
pat_thetic said:
Also, eh, we lost money in the iraq war... A lot of money.
No....the goverment lost a lot of money....I haven't lost shit.
Tr0n said:
No....the goverment lost a lot of money....I haven't lost shit.

Is that so? Do you drive a car? Pay for your own gas?

Believe it or not, there are vehicles that have worse mileage than a Ford Excursion...

Abrams tanks, B-52s, F-16s, aircraft carriers...

Wouldn't you think that a huge increase of using vehicles like these might put a bit of a dent in our fuel reserves? Don't you think said dent might drive up fuel prices a little?
No and No.Like I said I haven't lost shit.
God that smug bastard (michael wilson). What is the point of that trailer? If you release a trailer you might want to summarize what the point is that you are trying to make in your documentary.
That self complacent smile on his face and the great "I know your lying when you say: Everything in this movie is true"-kind of laugh at the convention is making me puke.

That guy is an Idiot. I believe the documentary will be made in the same way that moore is doing his films and fail miserably.
And that argument: "Moore likes to lie on live television because he said in the interview "I don't appear in other movies but my own. BUT HE DOESN'T! SEE! SEE! He's a liar who likes to lie!! LIAR!" is really weak.
That's a bit like: "How are you?" "Fine" instead of "**** you I have a ****ing headache but we're on national tv"..


I just don't like that self complacent dick..

my .02€