

Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
I think we can safely blame Munny for this, for the massive amounts of porn he's been DLing
<3 Munro :cheese:

That said, this thread is now 'bout whatever the hell you want.
Our server just can't cope with the demand anymore ;( We have to constantly restart apache.
Too many of you spamming I think. We'll have to start getting rid of ya, and find some more bandwidth friendly members ;)
Lies. ALL LIES. We all KNOW for a fact that it's Munro's OVER THOUSAAAAAAAAND Gigabyte porn stash in the database.

c wut i did thar?
I was starting to dry up and shrivel. Thank god you guys brought the server back up.
I can only add the reason why Munro needs the porn in the form of a quote from Pi Mu Rho:
"Pi Mu Rho: he said he tried to get it up this morning, but couldn't."

"Pi Mu Rho: Munro can't get it up"
Apparently he had some help.

"Pi Mu Rho: it's ok, we got it up now."
I am confuse. I am also glad the forums are back. I was lost for about a day. :s
Yay for

"Pi Mu Rho: **** knows."
I started making plans for the day this site goes offline. I got this far: Have a good life everyone, see ya.
Who was I going to obsess over the new TF2 changes to now, huh? Eh? ANSWER ME THAT HELPLIFE2
I actually hung out with a real friend yesterday (it was scary)
Good to have it back.

As I said in Steam yesterday, or was it earlier today... when finally does disappear, it is going to disappear like this. Just, gone...
I beat the shit out of an owl, until I realized it was a dirty pair of jeans lying on my floor with a vase propped under it.
it's like city of ember. The site will keep failing every now and then, and they'll last longer an longer..... and longer............... and longer.......................... and then we will be in the darkness forever.
Is this a problem with Valve's servers? Can we petition them to do something?

Or is this a problem with the admins of this site? Bandwidth issues? I would gladly donate to this site to keep it going.