Finding files within a page using Google?


Apr 24, 2004
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Is such thing possible? I remember my brother telling me he could find files within a webpage using a kind of google trick/hack. Like say,, he would run a search with google for mp3 files with that site and google would list them and you could download them. (Not gonna dl mp3s, though).

Is such thing possible?
Yes. Someone actually recently made a thread on this at another forum I go to. Dunno if I should post it here though.
hell, PM it to me if you're not joking.

If you are joking, i'll RAPE YOUR BABIES AND EAT THEM
Come on guys, I literally found out how to do it just to see if I could do it on my own with a quick search on google in like 2 seconds :|

You all fail.
Neither did I. C'mon Veg, we all suck, so share your findings! :)
If you want to find files in a web site, use the following in google:
"intitle:index of" nameoffile.ext
So say i wanted to find a video called video.wmv I would search
"intitle:index of" video.wmv

I don't know why no one wants to post it, its not inherently illegal, its just that like all things, the unscrupulus can use it for the wrong thing. is pretty good. Got Thom Yorke's album t'other day through that.
What if you don't know the name of the video.

For example I wanna find an avi file in a videos site. How would I enter the search query on google so I can find .avis in an imaginary
Right, so I don`t want to download music from a site, but how would somebody that does want to download music from a site go about doing it?

Purely for research purposes.
Indeed, this is a truly burning question...

....if anyone has answers, PM is your friend.
just gotta find the right site...PM me if you do :)
@surfer^rosa I don't think you can actually search for avi files specifically.

However, if you want to search a specific site for something you'd use something like the following:


Where file.exe is what you are looking for.