Finished Episode 1 *SPOILERS*

Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
Great game, started at release time and I've just finished.

I played on medium difficulty with the assistance bar set to zero.

I hope Jessica is ok after getting injected, although i'm half hoping that she gets mutant abilities the same way the Blade seems to be. It would great for HARDop to have a mutant team that gets called in to save the day when the shit hits the fan.

The next episode looks like alot of fun too, I really want to ram a car into one of those huge mutants.

Theres loads of really nice touches throughout the game that really add to it's appeal.

I lvoed the Gremlins and Clerks references too. :D

Good job Ritual, I look forward to further episodes. I'm really glad to have another FPS that is actually hard. HL2 was way too easy.

Well played.

Yes I did. I play alot of games so I tend to be very good at them, I've already bought 35 games so far this year and I've finished them all.

Was it worth 20 dollars? Most definatly. I can't wait to see how the story unfolds further.
how much was sin ep 1 in £ , i also have to wait till my payment goes though on my cc (only paid it today)
The payment should be instant and it cost about 11 quid. I couldn't give you an exact figure off the top of my head.