Finished my first map: fy_ezam


Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
I've been working on this all week, and finally finished, my first map ever, play tested it, and no bugs that I could find.
unfortunetly, I need someone to host it for me, IM me at Paranoid Zio and I'll send it to you, and if you please, host it for me, thanks
some screens:
uhm, its telling me:
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theres nothing in there about what to put in
is it just me or does that look like a level off of golden eye 007 for the N64??
DirtyApe said:
is it just me or does that look like a level off of golden eye 007 for the N64??

Yeah it's the last pic that's familiar... Charming :D
Sweet!!!! 007!!! :D:D

Looks nice. I like the barrel stuff. And I suggest you add a sky , because the last picture... with a 'roof', its not pretty atractive.
looks like Complex the best map ever ever ever
grr, not leting me post link, keeps blocking out web address, yeah its a clone of Complex

The barrel room is actually the pillar room, but it can knock 'em down and flood the room with barrels
I'll host it for ye.

Get with me if you're interested @ ayeluvmimonkii on AIM.