Finished playing through Half-Life 2 - HL2 EP 1 - Hl2 EP II - My Impressions


Savage Spartan

Two Words....

Fu-cking A!

Good Job Valve I never had such a amazing experience with video game characters before in my life and never felt so immersed... wow

Anywho... Here is a little biography of me when I was a kid.

Back when I was about 6-8 (Don't remember exactly, I am 17 now) I remember my dad came to me once and said hey I bought a new game for you called Half Life. I was oh ok kool lets check it out!

I remember the first moments of HL 1, the black mesa, testing chamber, GMAN, first time headcrabs (I was so scared of them I had to quit the game sometimes lol) , zombies, vortigaunts the three headed boss thing and of course Xen itself and the final boss and that stupid testicle looking alien thing I forgot what it was called :( Back then that was the 1st game ever in my life to amaze me and leave a spot in my heart of my video game history and my emotions. It had an amazing epic feel, graphics were great for those days....

After beating the game I moved to Half Life Opposing Force to be more amazed and fascinated. Then HL 2 was announced, after the long delays and the code leak on November 16th (I still remember that day 3 AM in morning starting the game up and getting back into the good old memories of the train station just like HL 1 was..) More of suspense, mystery, amazing life like character emotions and a fantastic plot....Oh and the music is unbelievable for this game. Who ever composed/wrote/did music for this game deserves 100 golden medals and a few million bucks, it is the best action packed type of adrenaline music for this kind of game.

The game is so imemrsive that it makes me think these characters exist in real life. After finishing HL 2 I was left in suspense waiting for Half Life 3 announcment, but no Valve decided to do HL 2 Episodes which was a good idea because that way we dont have to wait another 5 fu-cking years for next Half Life 2.

So after November 2004 all the way to October 9th 2007 we received Half Life Episode 1 and 2 which summarize some parts of the plot but opens up even a bigger mystery especially after what happens at the end of EP2. I cannot wait for EP 3, Valve you have my heart and I hope that one day I will work at your company and make great games guys like you do. Cheers to Valve.

Valve = True FPS King.
Here's some answers for you:

The testicle thing is called the Gonarch, the music composer is Kelly Bailey, and I definitely agree with you about the quality. Fantastic stuff.
Here's some answers for you:

The testicle thing is called the Gonarch, the music composer is Kelly Bailey, and I definitely agree with you about the quality. Fantastic stuff.

Aye yes the Gonarch thank you bro. Those things were mad ugly and it was fun killing them. If Half Life 2 Episode 3 takes place in Xen I would love to see them come back!
you know what? it would be a waste of time for me to quote you savage spartan. but its good that you enjoyed it so much and i unfortunately never played it until i was 14 on my pc. i didnt know it was so old. and its kind of odd that headcrabs would have made me giggle and it scared you... why? and, not that im any different, why would your parents buy you a game that was rated mature? i guess its good enough that he thought you could handle it, i have friends that still cant play halo cuz its mature. HALO!!! OH! dont leak much about ep2, i havent played it yet cuz im grounded but i watch my stepdad play it a lot
Reason my parents bought me everything is not because they didn't really care about m rated games. It was mostly because me and my dad loved to play DOOM I-II when I was young and when he was in his mid 30s and it just grew on from there and we never played attention to the game rating.

Oh my god Halo I played all Halo 1-3 and it is NOTHING compared to Half Life I am sorry lol. Its a great fun SP game but its not as epic and not as cool and not as breathtaking. Bungie needs to go learn from Valve.

Valve = FPS King Hands Down.
Reason my parents bought me everything is not because they didn't really care about m rated games. It was mostly because me and my dad loved to play DOOM I-II when I was young and when he was in his mid 30s and it just grew on from there and we never played attention to the game rating.

Oh my god Halo I played all Halo 1-3 and it is NOTHING compared to Half Life I am sorry lol. Its a great fun SP game but its not as epic and not as cool and not as breathtaking. Bungie needs to go learn from Valve.

Valve = FPS King Hands Down.
i got into gaming when i was like,3. my best friend has always been a hardcore gamer from the start his grandma got him a nintendo. were still friends 13 years later and still like bill and ted in friendship man. my mom only occasionally played dungeon keeper and ffvii. my dad lives in florida but he plays games albeit only occasionally i can tell. mainly cuz he still looks at controller when he plays lol. you pretty cool spartan. about halo, it needs work but i love it so much. check out my rant on half life by cwadsworth in this forum area, its pretty long
hey... next time that you play through first parts in hl1, look in gordon's locker ;)
he has a pic of a baby!
I remember my first game was when I was 3. Duke Nukem 3D. One of the best out there. Then when I was 7 my dad got me Counter Strike, and said "You can play online with other people!" "But daddy, it says Half-Life on the box..." Of course, I went for Half-Life first, and the counter strike pissed me off, so i never played it, and i played hl1 till I could get through every level in at most 7 minutes. Great fun while it was still epic. my favorite level remains to be Questionable Ethics. :)
You haven't lived, untill you've played it.

And HL1 was really good IMO.
It's the story, that made it one of my biggest favorites.

MY fav level is still surface tension though.
first 3d game I played was rayman 2. Then only did I try out half life..
Aye yes the Gonarch thank you bro. Those things were mad ugly and it was fun killing them. If Half Life 2 Episode 3 takes place in Xen I would love to see them come back!

IF you played EP2 you would know that

It takes place in the Arctic

But yeah it would be awesome to go back to Xen at one point.
Here's some answers for you:

The testicle thing is called the Gonarch, the music composer is Kelly Bailey, and I definitely agree with you about the quality. Fantastic stuff.
Funny, I didn't know the name of that thing either. I just called it the "ballsac boss" years ago when I first played HL:E
I think the first game I played was Doom for the SNES.
My first game was none other than Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt for the NES. I played SNES Doom too. Me and a friend stayed up all night to beat the final episode that takes you through hell. Can't remember it's name though. I want to say it's "Nightmare". "Knee-deep in the dead" was the first episode I believe.
I started playing Mario at first too. I did it playing on the console thing me and my buddies called "pegasus" . Don't know if it was its name though. As for PC, my first game was Heroes of might and magic 2. Not long ago from then I played Half life. What impressed me most about it was the variety of things you've done there. I mean, in other FPS's you were just running forward and fighting. In HL you were playing first chapter without a weapon. And it was interesting at all. Not to mention that that there were other fun puzzles in the game. And the A.I. of the marines was so awesome. And the way they were fighting with vorts and alien grunts. It was always fun to watch. My favourite chapter: Questionable Ethics.

As for the testacle thing. didn't u guys notice that the chapter we were figting with it was called: Gonarch's lair?
See? this is a good thread, small and not well known but good! well... until our good friends of the idiot commitee come and spoil the goodness!
IF you played EP2 you would know that

It takes place in a snowy/icy envirnoment that I'm assuming is the artic

But yeah it would be awesome to go back to Xen at one point.

Edited for truth.
tibbs, if mods do something it's for our own good. there are rules here and ofcourse in every other forums that everyone should obey. for example, i told you before that the sig (signature) limit is 4 lines but you still haven't shorten it. now if a mod comes and tells you the same, you're gonna think he has a problem with you but it's not like that.
just because you're new it doesn't mean mods have a hard on for you, believe me, this is the only place i've felt secure posting because everyone's friendly.
anyways, hope you get on well and enjoy posting here.

oh and if you put your sig in a spoiler tag, you could write as many lines as you want and still it'll only be one line.
Yesss, I love Valve so much I am going to get a HL and Portal tattoo one day.

Sad to some, but great to me!