He attacks harry Reid for going against the peoples wishes and trying to attach the single payer plan on something else. Well, while Reids method is a bit underhanded, I think Whittle is a little out of touch when it comes to what the people want:
Besides, all these old timers in congress... well, either they're doing something right, or their constituents are idiots (which I'm guessing the latter)
well, he talks about how there are quite a few members of congress under investigation for ethics violations (most of them democrat, but there are some republicans... he says he got his info from opencongress.org, but I haven't checked the site myself). So he proposes to "pay off" all of congress so long as they leave their job. he then plugs ContractFromAmerica.com where any average joe can put in his two cents about how to reform government. He also made a few snide comments about Palosi, Reid, etc, but its nothing worse than what most liberal pundits say about conservatives. Really it just comes off as a calm rant. He does have a good point about there being a lot of people under investigation for ethics violations (doesn't mean that they're guilty though). But power corrupts. There's always gonna be some slimy people who misuse their political power.
It seems that people just don't seem to know or care about the elections that will keep these old folks in their positions of authority. 2006 was the first time that I ever recall a big deal being made about mid-term elections and lo and behold a massive change occurred. I think that since we have to deal with the lack of term limits for these guys, all of us as responsible citizens need to look at the facts of how these officials are behaving/voting (hard to do for most people because people don't know where to look to get this info) and see if these elected officials are really acting in our best interest while holding their position. If not, we need to vote them out. It is not like the power is not in our hands (to an extent).