Firearms Halflife 2.9 Released!


Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
My overall favourite halflife mod has finally had it's new version released,,
it should be on your steam list in the next couple weeks, but you can grab the files right now off their website

and in advance for those who played the game a year ago or more,, the game has completely changed so comments from that era are no longer valid..

I've been playing it all day, and I have a ton of homework to do, why did it have to come out in term finals :D
sure I will give it a go, thanks for the heads up (and Babyheadcrab earlier this morning)
hmm, i played this mod like 2 years ago, even then it was pretty fun. might have to check this out
Well the mod has gone down hill the last few patches. I think 2.5 was the last decent patch after that it just got worse. All I know is that the last good patch had the dual uzis.

Edit: I believe it was when Mazor took over being head coder that it began to suck. But I'll give 2.9 a fair chance.
i tried it briefly, but i couldn't get used to the . . . different controls.

and i was too lazy to change it :D
lasy i played was 2.7 ... cna someone hit the highlights for me?
played it about an hour or so... pretty crappy quality, I guess its not so bad.. just not my cup of tea.
SidewinderX143 said:
lasy i played was 2.7 ... cna someone hit the highlights for me?

Well after playing it for 10 minutes, theirs basiclally nothing to fill you in with since the last version you played. I say this becuase every version seems the same. I personally dont like it, and if you didnt like v2.7 then i dont think you will like this one.
aww, 2.5 was the best half-life mod EVER. 2.6 was wicked, but then it all went downhill. its pretty good, its just not NEARLY as fun as it was during 2.5.
I played this a long time ago and enjoyed it... I think? I get it mixed up with all that other shizzle...

Anyway, can we play it over Steam right now or do we have to wait?
Cool, I've gotta try this out!

I used to play the Firearms mod ALOT back in the early versions, I liked it alot back then.
2.9 is much better than 2.7, it's heavy on the assualt rifles now, with 8 (?) well balanced rifles,,

this is a list of the code and map changes,, there were a LOT of map changes, with 4 new maps and many altered with classics getting a visual update...
there are also 2 new weapons

One thing about the game for (especially for people who liked old versions better) is that since 2.5, balance has been a primary concern, which means it's no longer easy to dominate with a few weapons (aug, famas, m16) they also slowed down the game speed since 2.5 which combined turned off a lot of the power dm players but encouraged teamplay,,,, it's a matter of taste