Firearms: Source Media Update

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
The FA: Source team have added some new screenshots of a reworked map called ps_snowstorm. This one is a spin off from their standard dust / desert like maps and is dressed with a coating of snow.[br]They have also provided screenshots of new weapons from the vast array they've promised and other glimpses of other maps. This is all in conjunction with their new website design which is looking pretty good. See a selection of the media below, but check out the Firearms: Source website media sections for more!

Reminds me of insurgency.

Anyone else feel this way?
lol Insurgency is shit. This is a classic HL mod that's being ported onto source.
If only both teams could get their shit together and release a client already.
Insurgency is nothing but an endless exercise in frustration. Conversely, I have many, many fond memories of the old Firearms.

Hope there's a quality release soon.
Reminds me of insurgency.

Anyone else feel this way?

while there are lots of gunz, pewpew's, and military scenes IMO they are quite different.

I would probably say that insurgency is more realistic while FAS is more arcady/fast paced.
Having played both insurgency, and this, I can say that the only things liking the two games are guns, a military theme, and an engine. The game play is entirely different as one strives to be realistic, while the other aims to be fun.
Greedy bastards

lol Insurgency is shit. This is a classic HL mod that's being ported onto source.
If only both teams could get their shit together and release a client already.

I registered to post this.

It isn't as simple as that. Firearms, a wonderful HL1 mod created by a dedicated team, had their mod stolen from them by others using devious means. The original developers of Firearms tried to get valve involved but valve couldn't do anything to help them. Boycott Firearms 2, created by the same type of greedy #&@#&@#%& that are ruining the world around you.

These people don't deserve recognition in any way other then to be spat upon by everyone within distance. for the story from the original developers.

Go burn in a fire Firearms 2!
I registered to post this.

It isn't as simple as that. Firearms, a wonderful HL1 mod created by a dedicated team, had their mod stolen from them by others using devious means. The original developers of Firearms tried to get valve involved but valve couldn't do anything to help them. Boycott Firearms 2, created by the same type of greedy #&@#&@#%& that are ruining the world around you.

These people don't deserve recognition in any way other then to be spat upon by everyone within distance. for the story from the original developers.

Go burn in a fire Firearms 2!

I couldn't care less. Whoever makes the better mod, will get my attention. Their petty feud is pointless, much like your post.
I couldn't care less. Whoever makes the better mod, will get my attention. Their petty feud is pointless, much like your post.

Agreed, actually at this point I think the public cares more about the situation than the FAS team.

Getting involved in any stupid disputes like this just takes away from valuable development time.
I'd hope you'd get something stolen from you that you worked very hard on, but I'm sure you'll never create anything worth stealing
I'd hope you'd get something stolen from you that you worked very hard on, but I'm sure you'll never create anything worth stealing

But the original FA team wasn't working on FA: Source. In fact, it was their intentions to kill it. Was it their decision to do that? Absolutely. They created it. But does that mean I would be happy with that decision? Hell no. I am glad that someone else picked up the pieces, albeit illegally, so that I can play FA in the Source mod.

My only problem is that I hope it either at par level or surpasses the original, so at the very least the original team won't have to worry about their "beloved" game that they were going to kill off anyways doesn't get a tarnished reputation by mediocre quality they had nothing to do.
Quite honestly, I will never download or play FA2 solely because of their methods of "acquiring" the mod. It may not have been illegal, but it was still shitty. It's fair enough to point out that the original team had intended to let it end any way, but forcefully taking over somebody else's server and blocking out the lot of them? No mod that founds itself on something like that deserves my time, regardless of quality. You'd hope members of such a community would show more respect.
I agree with Absinthe. I'll never play FA2 purely out of principle (that and Jonneh is a shitbag).
Haven't played FA, haven't really got the intention to play a newer FA, but, having read the history, if I did have an interest in a new FA mod you can sure as shit bet it wouldn't be FA2.
I trust Ennui on the matter; I will not be downloading FA2 out of principle.

But I probably won't download FA:S for the same reason I don't download any other third party mod; they all suck.
I'll definitely try this out once it's released. And won't even look at FA2.
But the original FA team wasn't working on FA: Source. In fact, it was their intentions to kill it.

Their mod, their decision.

Absolutely. They created it. But does that mean I would be happy with that decision? Hell no. I am glad that someone else picked up the pieces, albeit illegally, so that I can play FA in the Source mod.

I could kick your ass, albeit illegally, and it would make me happy. So I should do that then?

My only problem is that I hope it either at par level or surpasses the original, so at the very least the original team won't have to worry about their "beloved" game that they were going to kill off anyways doesn't get a tarnished reputation by mediocre quality they had nothing to do.

So you only hope this is as good or better? You people make me sick, its no wonder why america is going down the crapper. Work hard to make something good, and have someone steal your work? you people don't deserve free modifications to games in any way shape or form. you should feel bad for being such selfish pricks.
Not all mods are American, champ. Come back when you've got some actual, rational arguments and have dropped the "internet hard man" act.
Not all mods are American, champ.

Ok, you're correct on that, substitute America with "the world" then. Same asshats, different location.

Come back when you've got some actual, rational arguments and have dropped the "internet hard man" act.

I was making a point, that just because something makes you happy doesn't mean the ends justify the means. My arguements are the only rational ones here. Its a shame no one can respond to my posts in a manner other then "mememememe gimme MY free mod now wahhhh".

Alternatively don't come back at all.

Opps... to much reality in your face? Are you suddenly saddened by realization of your own selfish desires? I can see why you don't want someone like me around.
I think it's less your argument and more the fact that you act like a shit.
Hey, they don't care about someone else's rights... so they deserve shit on their face.
I could kick your ass, albeit illegally, and it would make me happy. So I should do that then?

Oh noes! Run! Interweb bullies are always badass and can beat everyone! Let me guess--you bench about 400 lbs and have never lost a fight?

Teach me your ways--oh mighty forum fighter.
Hey, they don't care about someone else's rights... so they deserve shit on their face.

I suggest that you see a shrink.

Why hasn't this insulting nutbag been banned already?
Oh noes! Run! Interweb bullies are always badass and can beat everyone! Let me guess--you bench about 400 lbs and have never lost a fight?

Teach me your ways--oh mighty forum fighter.

I love you, you know.
I suggest that you see a shrink.

So its crazy to stand up for people's intellectual rights?

Why hasn't this insulting nutbag been banned already?

For what? telling it how it is? Showing you what really happened? Holding up the mirror so you can see what kind of person you've really become?

Oh noes! Run! Interweb bullies are always badass and can beat everyone! Let me guess--you bench about 400 lbs and have never lost a fight?

Teach me your ways--oh mighty forum fighter.

If it wasn't obvious to you that I was making a point toward what I was quoting, it won't do any good to try and explain it pre-school style to you a 2nd time.
FAS has permission from the FA team to make FAS. Many of the original FA team members are on the FAS team. That's why production began so late, we wanted to have permission first.