Firefox Extension - Ennui pr0n


Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
I'm trying to make a firefox extension that'll allow me to filter the html/content of any site
There'll be a find/replace list and an option to make it site specific
I'll prolly even make it so *'s and ?'s can be used to make it more dynamic and useful
It'll be nice for removing text ads, unwanted tables, etc.
(Or make it so links in posts are underlined so i can actually see em...)

Anyway, i've got the basic javascript written for the find/replace content
And it works perfectly fine in firefox, but when i try to turn it into an extension i get a js error when i execute it

"document.body has no properties"

I spent an obscene amount of time googling this and trying different things and i really wanna move on with making this, so any help would be extremely appreciated.


Edit: I figured itd help if you had the script


Where's my pr0n ikerous? I demand it!
::takes your clothes off and holds up a mirror::

Now help me! T_T
Darkknighttt said:
i dont understand this.
lmao, damnit T_T
I saw someone posted a reply and got all excited
Thanks for the bump though ^_^
Someone help Ikerous!

lol I got him excited again.
xLostx said:
Haha, you clever bastard...
That was like a double trick :(
AND i have to leave so i cant even look at any of the porn

I want this extension so bad... T_T
Am i the only that'd totally love something that could edit the html/javascript/text of any page?
I don't use firefox. I can't help you, sorry.

What was the 2nd thing about?