FireFox problem

Jun 24, 2004
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Hi, I just switched to FireFox from Explorer and I have a slight problem.

I have to redownload all those small programs, like the one of FilePlanet and Gamespot that allows you to download movies and demoes from their site, but FireFox something enabled that doesn't allow me to download these programs.

Can anybody tell me how to turn of those protective measures so I can download these small programs. Thanks for any help.
Try disabling the blocking of popups in your 'web features' section of the 'options'. It's under 'tools' in the main file bar thingy. Sorry. That was needlessly complicated. How about this:

Tools->Options->Web Features->Block Popups?

Try that.
You can't use filepanet with mozilla, I'm assuming firefox doesn't support it either. :(
ActiveX applications (or, web apps) aren't supported in Firefox

I'm assuming ActiveX is a MS only thing. Besides, trust me, for the VERY few sites that require it, it's really more of a blessing to have it disabled. You get all sorts of crap ActiveX spam popups at some sites
It's one of the main reasons people switch to Firefox. No infections through ActiveX.
Hazar Dakiri said:
You can't use filepanet with mozilla, I'm assuming firefox doesn't support it either. :(
I use it just fine... I still download stuff the ol' way... no special program thinger. :)
No problems on FilePlanet with Opera either. ;)
If you're using MSIE I'd recommend you disable ActiveX anyway. It's incredibly unsafe. Programs for distribution over the web should be written in a secure language, and executed in a safe way, like Java on a JVM. :)
You still need ActiveX to use Windows Update though. So until Microsoft wises up, you do need to keep ActiveX enabled through IE. Only use IE when you need to use trustworthy ActiveX sites such as Windows Update.
There's a simple solution to that. Completely disable ActiveX for the Internet zone and then add to the list of Trusted Sites.

*edit: and/or turn on Automatic Updates if you're using Win XP/2k3.
blahblahblah said:
You still need ActiveX to use Windows Update though. So until Microsoft wises up, you do need to keep ActiveX enabled through IE. Only use IE when you need to use trustworthy ActiveX sites such as Windows Update.

they have wised up in service pack 2. security is much better in IE, not to mention the built in firewall.