Firefox Themes


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Does anyone else use a firefox theme? I use one called GrayModern, it looks really nice, matches the rest of my system themes (see pic) ... to get them just go tools/themes


  • ffoxtheme.jpg
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Hazar said:
I'm using qute, it's nice and simple
I've got that too, it's qute :) Prefer the gray one though as it suits my themes more. Aye, i'm a perfectionist :P
I'm looking for a good dark blue one, but I haven't found one (even though I haven't looked in awhile)
I'm using the default :o I should really switch. That Modern skin makes me think of the old Mozilla too much though.

/me finds skins
Hmm, does Firefox support XML letting you move the buttons around, or can you just replace images?
I'm starting to use Gnome-fx-blue (which isn't very blue btw)

it's pretty good
i use plastikfox crystal 1.5
i like it because it doesn't look like a user made skin. it's very to-the-point.
lePobz said:
Does anyone else use a firefox theme? I use one called GrayModern, it looks really nice, matches the rest of my system themes (see pic) ... to get them just go tools/themes

Using the same one as you. ANd yes it also matches the rest of my themes, but i use the standard silver one of windows.
I really like the black theme Pobz. Is there any way of making the windows theme black without installing those annoying Windowsblinds or Objectdesktop programs?
nick_t said:
I really like the black theme Pobz. Is there any way of making the windows theme black without installing those annoying Windowsblinds or Objectdesktop programs?
Yep, I use the UXtheme.dll patch, you just run the patcher and it lets you install any windows visual theme without the need for any software.

Get it here:

Visual styles here:
Or you could just get all the themes from the software,save them as a theme file, uninstall software, and go into properties and use those saved theme files
trizzm said:
i use plastikfox crystal 1.5
i like it because it doesn't look like a user made skin. it's very to-the-point.
Yes. Same here. I love that theme.
nick_t said:
Pobz, thanks a lot! I downloaded some really nice ones. What's the one you're using; it looks really good.
Can't remember, it's just called 'metallic' in my properties panel... I got it from them top-rated deviantart ones though so it'll be somewhere around there.

I've found it, it's called Royal - but this one is a later version of mine: -
This is cool. I didn't realize you could skin windows so well without installing all those crap-ware programs. Niceeeeeeee. :afro:

I guess that it doesn't have much of a performance hit since it's just a visual style?
StardogChampion said:
This is cool. I didn't realize you could skin windows so well without installing all those crap-ware programs. Niceeeeeeee. :afro:

I guess that it doesn't have much of a performance hit since it's just a visual style?
Precisely, no performance hit at all :) No registration worries or any of that nonsense either.
thanks again pobz. My desktop looks pretty leet now.

I should probably get some sleek icons to go with the theme.
nick_t said:

I should probably get some sleek icons to go with the theme.
MMD is my favorite winamp 3 skin. So versatile!

Good music choice too!