Firework thread!!!! Go Fireworks!!!

king John I

Oct 3, 2003
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i bought some fireworks with friends recently and there so much fun!!!!

my favorite thing: Drainpipe + Handles + Rocket = Bazooka!!!

put rockets on the ground and have races, wheels optional.

Put wings on it and have plane fireworks, deosn't work very well though.

have a bit extra wieght to a firework and its a mortar!!!

fireworks = Fun, fun, for everyone.
LMAO, sounds like a right laugh, shame you have to be 18 to buy them :( i want some damn it!
heh heh, i'm only 16, but its like beer get someone you know to buy em for you.

also, WEAR GOGGLES!!! sparks + eyes = not nice
I don't play with fireworks for fear of blowing off all my fingers except for one. Then being reduced to using a Mac with it's one-button mouse.
Originally posted by iamironsam
I don't play with fireworks for fear of blowing off all my fingers except for one. Then being reduced to using a Mac with it's one-button mouse.


Yes, i must find someone who can get me them....*strokes chin*
heh, i wear my skiing clothes and goggles and extra layers and skiing gloves, i'm not stupid. also if using explosive fireworks (i prefer the non explosive rockets) just make shure you dont eat them or something dumb like that.
Lighting bolt lighting bolth. there that was my firework show. :)
I have about 500 mortors left over. Im waiting for year years before I light them off.
Originally posted by king John I
heh, i wear my skiing clothes and goggles and extra layers and skiing gloves, i'm not stupid. also if using explosive fireworks (i prefer the non explosive rockets) just make shure you dont eat them or something dumb like that.

Fireworks and extra layers of ski equipment. You may not be stupid, but you sure must look the part in that get up.
Just imagine....a few mortars....a house of someone you dont could mortar there house to pieces!!! :D
Fireworks and extra layers of ski equipment. You may not be stupid, but you sure must look the part in that get up.

better safe than sorry,

besides i came close once. we had finished our fireworks and i was walking back when this quite large rocket landed near me, i panicked and booted it and it exploded like 5 meters away. my clothes protected from spark burns.

we make shure were not bombong anyone, well usally.
I like Fireworks... it's a while till Fireworks night ;(

Might go and bombard my old school.... nah :)
*Darkelp Launches fireworks*

Firework them all, let god sort them out!:flame: :sniper:
we have an all year open firework shop, the man inside sells top quality stuff, i get them in the winter cos when i dress up i dont overheat, generally when going out with friends or for birthday partys, prices rise around this time though. i get em when i have the money, i like them more then alcohol, or anything else i'd spend money on. I'm a pyromaniac who likes blowing stuff up.

dont try this but, get a bow (bow%arrow) from a friend who likes archery and use it for.... well you can gess, but you need good timing.
Too bad they made firecrackers illiegal in Sweden :/

Rockets is fun too... but you cant blow up things with them :D
I was hoping to drive up and down my garden at my new house (they're leaving a ride-on law mower :D) and watch the fireworks at the pub next door.

But we're not moving till late November now ;(
Fireworks are illegal in Houston; you can't even buy those little sparklers anymore... although a long time ago I actually burned my hand on one of those.
Bloody knee-jerk Aussie government banned personal ownership and use of all fireworks except sparklers years ago, because one dumb kid lost all his fingers.:(
I played with fireworks at my friends house-with adult supervision.
I lit a few dancing devils and screecher-oos.
If you must know-screecher-oos make annoying sounds and dancing devils go on the ground spinning, change colour and sound like chainsaws.
My friend's Air Bomb back-fired and blew up and pegged me in the leg.
Bwhahaha i tell you i am a dangerous man with fireworks in my hand. Last year we used to run around and throw my old water dynamite and back cats in peoples yard at dogs and just throwing them in the street generally! Ahh goodtimes good times...