Firmware update, what is it???


Sep 19, 2004
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Ok i have a dvd/cd drive by philips...recently it has been actin wierd...not reading discs correctly, locking and not giving me my discs back, shutting down...would a firmware update fix this problem, im not entirely sure what firmware is and what it does

help please, is there any risks with installing a cd-rom drive firmware?
Firmware are like drivers on the actuall device itself.
There is always a risk in updating firmare (possible to make the drive unusable).
But as long as you read ALL of the directions that the site gives you for the firmware update, you'll be fine.
Thanks white zero i would have followed ur advice but i have allready updated the drive using Philips DVDRW416 update tool, im so glad it worked now my discs are read fine, im doing a read test to see how much it has improved.

Now after 6 months of not bein able to play discs i can :) :)