First day on the job? what could possibly go wrong?

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May 5, 2004
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ohhh ....

A 17-YEAR-old rookie plumber has burned down a ?5 million ($12 million) waterside mansion in southwest England, after a soldering task during his first day on the job went horribly wrong.

The historic mansion in Kingswear, Devon, was undergoing a ?2 million renovation when a fire ripped through the eight-bedroom house overnight.

In just minutes it burned it down to the ground.

It is thought the fire started after polystyrene insulation caught alight from the flame of a blow torch.

it's never too late to start a new career,23599,21577635-13762,00.html
Poor laddie, but he must have been left unsupervised for something as major as that to go wrong.

It's more health and safety to be mercilessly drummed into tradesmen now, they'll have to carry fire extinguishers with them for routine tasks.
no, the contractor has liability insurance

I've done the same thing: lighting polystyrene insulation on fire ..thankfullythe fire didnt spread really goes up in flames like paper soaked in gasoline ...I thought building materials were supposed to be inflammable
It is thought the fire started after polystyrene insulation caught alight from the flame of a blow torch.
...I thought building materials were supposed to be inflammable
The historic mansion ...
Yeaah, something tells me it wasn't exactly a new state of the art safe building with all the right materials.
It is thought the fire started after polystyrene insulation caught alight from the flame of a blow torch. yeah. Nothing to do with how old the building was or wasn't.

I was always shit at soldering in school. It always turned black. Never burned my school down unfortunately. This is pretty tragic though, more for the loss of a nice building than anything else. The kid will be rightfully excused of too much blame and he'll have a cool tale to tell at parties.
Well yeah, the insulation may have caught fire, but I think Stern was saying that the whole building wouldn't have burned down if it was constructed of inflammable materials. It would only partially be burned, I'd guess. The fire would eventually reach something that doesn't burn and it'd be contained.
ya historically historic homes had polystyrene insulation when they were built even though it's a fairly recent development in building materials

It says right in the article that it's a historic building.

News flash Stern, you can PUT INSULATION INTO A BUILDING! *gasp* Even if it's historic! *gasp gasp*

The insulation burned but because it was an ooold building, probably made of wood mostly, it burned to the ground. You were talking about inflammable building materials, obviously insulation is always going to be flammable, but the rest of the building might be of a structure that wouldn't burn to the ground. This being a historical building, that's not the case.

Jesus stern, can you like try putting an EFFORT to understanding what I'm saying? I don't even know why you're even replying to me if you have me on ignore.
"when I grow up I'm going to Bovine university"

your posts are far more entertaining Vageta when I write them (cuz you're in my ignore(amus) list)
Stern said he didn't think a material that was put in a building should be flammable. You said it was historic, but the material in question was polystirene, so you were indeed silly for bringing up the historic bit.

And in the UK we do not make our mansions out of wood.
less history more "omg he's gonna be unemployed" comments please
The insulation in question probably was not wall insulation but insulation on a boiler or water tank, which would make sense since it was burnt when soldering copper pipes.
well to be fair often the pipes are in the wall surrounded by insultation ..I did the exact same thing
Nah, the lad will be fine. In a few years when he's no longer an apprentice he'll be the stuff of legend. Everyone has their own horror stories from being an apprentice: looking for a tin of tartan paint; going to the bakers for four skin pies and the inevitable left-handed screwdriver.

If anyone is to blame it's whoever was (supposed to be) supervising on site.
lol @ tartan paint ..that's definately regional ..say that here and people will mistake it for tartar sauce
Stern said he didn't think a material that was put in a building should be flammable. You said it was historic, but the material in question was polystirene, so you were indeed silly for bringing up the historic bit.
The fact that the insulation burned is not why the entire building burned down. The entire building is not made of polystirene.

Mind you I'm just playing off of what Stern said in the beginning. He said that modern construction materials aren't flammable. So that even when the insulation catches fire, it wouldn't spread far or burn the whole building down, because most of it is inflammable.

This being a historic building, it wasn't constructed of materials to be resistant to burning to the ground.

(cuz you're in my ignore(amus) list)
I didn't think that joke could get any funnier than the first time you used it.

Quit being a troll. Do you see me insulting anyone here.
Go and give it a rest Vegeta. It's getting really tiresome for everybody else that just wants to read and participate in threads.
What am I doing wrong.

I'm not the only one discussing this. Why is this always my fault? At least I'm not flaming anyone.
I'm not saying that you're trolling, but come on now, next to every Stern thread or post you come in to pick it apart. It's getting old.
From the article

"We think a blowtorch may have set light to expanded polystyrene foam in the roof space"

mystery solved. He set the roof timbers on fire.
I'm not picking anything apart. Stern made a comment about how modern buildings have inflammable structure, and I pointed out that it was a historic building. I didn't call stern an idiot like he may have done to me, I wasn't trying to start an argument because I know full well he has me on ignore. Solaris decided to pitch in to the discussion (that's what it is... discussion.. no flame wars) so I figured it was a good topic to talk about in a thread that doesn't really have much discussion value besides "Haha, poor sap"

Whatever though. If nobody else wants to continue it'll die out on its own.

Mr Stabby: Read my post carefully. One small fire started does not mean the whole building would burn down, IF the building was constructed of inflammable materials like Stern thought it should be. This building did burn down though because it was old and not exactly on the forefront of safe building codes.
Vegeta, just put Stern on your ignore list or something.

Anyway, that's a pretty cool first day story there. Not quite on par with 'I caused a Resonance Cascade', but cool none the less.


What am I doing wrong.

I'm not the only one discussing this. Why is this always my fault? At least I'm not flaming anyone.


*checks the Image Dump*

My god Stern you're pathetic. Take a joke.

v-man I ****ing applaud you. You've single handedly exposed Stern for the true troll that he is.

Here's a list of reasons why Stern fails:


I don't even need to try anymore, Stern is such a complete troll

This is why stern is a troll.


Not saying Stern isn't a tad trollish, but this is getting downright pathetic.
That wasn't freeman's first day at work!

Oh look I'm picking apart everything you say god help us all

Edit: No man, what's pathetic is why everyone always blames me when stern is always the one who is being ridiculous.

I know I'm being bitchy about it, but I've put up with so much BS from stern that it all has to outlet somewhere, some time.
Oh, Stern is rather pathetic, but who's the troll; the troll, or the troll who trolls the troll?
You have to understand, I'd gladly point out stern's trolling in a calm manner, but that doesn't seem to grab anyone's attention, and nothing gets accomplished.

By kicking up an ugly fuss such as this, it at least gets attention. Even if it may harm me in the process, it's worth it.
God ****ing damnit vegeta and stern. You're both trolls.
This is what I get for trying to get people to see the truth.

The more I make sense the more I'm accused as a troll.

Mr Stabby: Read my post carefully. One small fire started does not mean the whole building would burn down, IF the building was constructed of inflammable materials like Stern thought it should be. This building did burn down though because it was old and not exactly on the forefront of safe building codes.

Inflammable means flammable, did you mean non-flammable? Even on a modern house a fire in the attic, would easily spread, as the insulation and roof timbers are flammable.
Err sorry, I did mean non-flammable. I'm pretty sure that's what Stern meant as well, otherwise his post wouldn't make sense.
Stern isn't a troll, vegeta starts it every single time.

/Stern defense commitee.
Wow... that actually makes sense. Universe implode time.
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