First game you ever played?


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
first game i ever played was Rayman, on my brand new windows 95 pc.

how about you?
Ummm i think it was like human race or something simmilar on the commodore 64 back in the 80's
OMG it was cool, all the classic earlier commodore games were amazing.

64 kilobytes RAM :thumbs:
I think it was Mario on the NES, or maybe reader rabbit or some educational game on our ancient and now long gone mac..
I believe it would be Sonic the Hedgehog 2, on my Sega Genesis. That, or Super Mario Land 2, on my GameBoy.
Harryz said:
Chuck Rock and Zool.

Zool!, now that was an awsome game :D

I cant remember what I played first ;(, earilest I can remember was Alex the kidd :|
simmo said:
Zool!, now that was an awsome game :D

I cant remember what I played first ;(, earilest I can remember was Alex the kidd :|

awesome at the time, now i realise it sucked.

Does anyone else here think Rayman was the best geme ever? not those new ones but 2d rayman. It was brilliant. :D
Shufflepuck cafe on the apple mac.
First console game many years later; mario all stars on snes.
I don't really remember.

Either Mario (Gameboy), Tetris (Gameboy), or Aldo's Adventure for DOS.
KagePrototype said:
I think it was Jill of the Jungle. What a game. :D

Haha, I remember that :D

I think for me it's Lemmings.
Zelda for the NES, alhtough don't ask me which one, casue I was very young, and don't remember much from that.
The one I can remember as my first is a tennis game on an atari (what is that kinda game called again? zarkanoid?). You have a little bat and a ball, and you must hit all the bricks (hey!:D).
Probably PONG on Atari, but my first conscious memory of a game is Super Mario Bros. on NES.
I started out with consoles. My first console being the Sega Genesis. My first game being umm...(trying to remember)...I think Sonic the Hedgehog...or it might have been Vectorman. Man, that game 0wned.
KagePrototype said:
I think it was Jill of the Jungle. What a game. :D

Jill of the Jungle was awesome I used to play that at my cousins house. Sometimes he would bust out Commander Keen 6 or Duke Nukem for the win.
Could have been the nutty proffesser. Back when there were no hard disks and it was all off floppy.

Hell some of you go back even further I bet. :p
The earliest I can remember was called Pipemania on my friends' BBC Micro
The first game of my own was Tom Thumb on the Commodore Plus 4, a C64 variant
Then I had Sonic on my Master System in about 1993
Ducktales and cosmic crusaders on those huge ass (really floppy) floppy discs on a crazy old computer thats screen was about 5 inches and displayed in shades of green.
I played the original Wolfenstien on my uncle's state of the art laptop, nice and black and white :hmph: . Then i played doom on my dad's black and white laptop :eek:
Pong (when I was just a toddler), then some text based adventure game on the zx spectrum (around 1986?) - then I was pretty much hooked on the entire Dizzy series for the spectrum (especially magicland :D), until I got my 486 sx25

I'm not sure what my first PC game was, it was around 1992 so it can't have been great (I think it was the original Alone in the Dark). I know for sure that a game I played a lot back then was called Nightmare 3D. I then played Doom and got hooked on FPS's
Jangle said:
first game i ever played was Rayman,
I am happy to hear that! :D ;)
My first was Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon! :D It was the best! :naughty:
I've still got a box full (literally full, 200+ tapes) of spectrum games + software...

Besides, I'd say punchcards are the earliest form of storage. 1-byte storage per card :D 'ownage'.
I vaguely remember a computer thing called an amstrad, the games were on tapes heh :p
lePobz said:
I've still got a box full (literally full, 200+ tapes) of spectrum games + software...

Besides, I'd say punchcards are the earliest form of storage. 1-byte storage per card :D 'ownage'.
Wasn't the spectrum the European name for the Timex/Sinclair? Er- I think the spectrum was a little better

They were almost 100% compatable I think. I remember looking in magazines and everything was priced in pounds. I was like.. wtf is a pound? lol I was about 10 years old

We had the Timex sinclair B&W and then later we had the one with the cartrige slot and color
My first console game besides that was Adventure for the Atari 2600 with teh Simulated woodgrain finish :hmph:

My first game had to be those T.V. tennis games, you had to have 2 people to play. It was basically you move your paddle up or down and bounce the ball back to the other player hoping he would miss. It was fun :upstare:

EDIT: arcade was probably space invaders or galaxian
Timex? Who are they.

Sinclair made a lot of things (a company formed by Sir Clive Sinclair, the inventor that invented the things)

The Spectrum was merely one invention. The Z80 was the first (small, rubber keyboard), the +2 was the later version that had the tape drive and nicer graphics. I had a +2 :D

Anyway, back on topic: