First game you remember playing


Jul 10, 2007
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My first video game I remember was on a system which the Russians called a Dendy - actually being an NES. I had a Ninja Turtles game; I remember having Leonardo as my favourite turtle.

The first computer game I remember is watching my dad play Civilization and later playing it myself.

What about you all?
Action Fighter!


Except it was on the Master System and looked like this:

The first game I have any clear memory playing is SimCity 2000, it came for free with Windows 95 on our PC. I have vaguer recollections of playing something on a friends console, a SNES I think.

Or Duke Nukem 3D.

Or Tyrian.

Or Jazz Jackrabbit.

I have no idea which came first...

This was when i was like 5 or 6 or something...
Some Lion King game that came on a floppy disk and ran through DOS..i THINK.

Though couldve been a Sim City game, or Sim Ants or..or..
The Heroes of Karn, Commodore 64
Astrosmash and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons for the Intelivision. I got these when they came out, round about 1981 I think.


I think it was called Mars. It was on the PC, run from a 5 1/4 in floppy. I cant find a damn thing on it though.

Basically it was a shooter. There was a black background, and everything else was green. You would have to make your character (a group of green lines shaped like a person) run and jump on green lines (terrain), shooting green lines (bullets) at groups of green lines (aliens).

Pretty sweet.
Action Fighter!


Except it was on the Master System and looked like this:


Here I was trying to remember the name of the damn game, actoin fighter was indeed my first game. I even have it along with my master system laying somewhere...
Aside from a vague memory of playing Duck Hunt on NES at a friend's house (I was probably 4 or 5), my earliest gaming memories are all on windows 3.1... I used to play Reader Rabbit, Math Blaster, and Wolfenstein 3d. This was 93 or so, so I was four years old. The funny thing is that I didn't differentiate between them despite that two are learning games and the other was the first FPS of all time :D
Space Invaders was the first video game I ever played but that's a long time ago. First PC game I ever played was probably Dune 1 and that came on a CD. I really didn't get into the home gaming thing until then. Proceeded to go backwards and picked up a few Amigas and had fun with the various things I could find for them. It Came From the Desert comes to mind.

My dad had gotten a copy from a friend, and he was recently laid off the police force so he had nothing to do, so my dad, my brother, and I took turns to play this "video game"
MarioBros/Duck Hunt on the NES. I remember that day so vividly to this day and I'm 23 now.:D Ah yes, blowing on those ancient "game paks" as they were called has not been forgotten.
MarioBros/Duck Hunt on the NES. I remember that day so vividly to this day and I'm 23 now.:D Ah yes, blowing on those ancient "game paks" as they were called has not been forgotten.

i still play my N64 every day with friends and everyone who comes in my room comments like "hey, that makes me remember when you could just blow on a game to fix it"

and it works
Heroes of Might and Magic 3, strangely. I might have played something before that, but I don't remember it.
i still play my N64 every day with friends and everyone who comes in my room comments like "hey, that makes me remember when you could just blow on a game to fix it"

and it works
Oh, I remember from a previous thread like this you mentioning how much you loved your N64. It was one of those, "favorite console" polls I believe. Great stuff too. After that generation though, consoles started sucking, and I slowly became a PC gamer.:p You weren't around as a gamer during the NES days? If you didn't blow in the cart every now and then, the console would just blink on and off all crappy like. At least console hardware had an excuse to be crappy then, unlike the current generation.:p
Age Of Empires & Duke Nukem [aged 3/4]

everyone who comes in my room comments like "hey, that makes me remember when you could just blow on a game to fix it"
Has a girl ever been in your room? Cause none that I know would say something like that ;)
I played some Lion King game on the Sega Saturn when I was about 6 but surely I played a videogame before then. Hmm.. Crash Bandicoot when I was about 5...

Honestly no idea.
Some game on the Atari 2600 that had you as a little knight on one side of the screen, and a dragon on the other and you had to jump it`s fireballs and get to it`s side of the screen.

Awesome fun. :D
The name escapes me, but the game had a main character named Dwendle or Dwiddle or something and he had wife, they had a dragon (I think) who was sick and he walked around this small island, and after you finished something on the first island you took a boat to another place and thats all I remember.
hmmm, cant really remember....some computer game i imagine way back in the day
Hm, tough one cause I'm not sure which events came first when I think about it. I recall playing Sonic on a foreign relative's Sega Saturn, I also remember playing that game where you have two castles firing at each other (like a predecessor of Worms) and some Formula 1 racing game. There's also some adventure game where you're a teddy bear gathering ingredients to bake a cake for a little girl.

Oh and I remember Wolfenstein 3D refusing to run due to lack of memory o__O.

That's all before I got my own gaming system - first a Gameboy (the grey 'n fat one) where the first game I played on it would probably be Tetris that came with it, then Super Mario 2. Later on came SNES with Super Mario World as the first game to play on it. PC came afterwards and I'd guess I played NASCAR on it first (or at least first attempted to, those were the days where there were still a lot of DOS games around and they didn't really like Windows; I felt pro for discovering the "run in DOS mode" checkbox in the advanced settings.)
that's easy ..only because there was only one game: pong
I believe my earlist memory is of playing Zool. But that goes hand in hand with Monkey Island, SC2000, Doom and Wolfenstein, so it might have been any of them.
My first game of note was Goldeneye 007 on the N64. Then in the months after that it was everything from Starcraft to Duke Nukem 3D to Sonic to SimCity.

Gorilla thing in DOS: (Too much fun!)


Crystal Caves


Commander Keen


Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun (Commodore 64)

For me it was either Lemmings, or Commander Keen 4, or Sonic the Hedgehog on the SEGA Genesis at my friend's house (that was the time we first met). I was probably around 6 at the time -born in '86. Considering those games were all released in 1991, that means 1992 was my first foray into video gaming.


