First Gun Model, Custom AK


Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
This is my first gun model, so go easy!:cheers:
i need some suggestions from you guys to make it better! i can give the file to anyone who want to attempt to skin it!




jus tmnoticed something...the grip(that you cant grip now becaus eof the laser though) looks all word... like it isn't really smoothed out?

(by gript I mean that wooden park on the ak)
yea that is why i added the vertical secoundary grip. the smoothing will go away with texture:cheese:
I'm guessing that that is a flashlight not a laser and the vertical grip looks like it would be a bit uncomfortable, maybe a side grip instead ?
not bad for your first gun but, umm i wouldn't sKin it just yet. If i remeber correctly smoothing groups from max will be used in source so all those errors in the mesh will show up ingame. plus that must be like 10,000 poly's. the bullets look about 600 apiece. keep trying though and keep posting.
looks cool.. if you is using max stick smooth on it will look much better :D
all valid points. actually it isn't an AK but actually a Galil Rifle. Without stock and some minor changes. The poly count is actually 2746, and yes i counted in tri's and not quads!:cool: i wasn't really concerned about the pol;y count because it is my first and i have no plans to do anything with it!
Mods if you see this please delete! i have no need for responses for this garbadge!!:cheese:
You should be able to delete this yourself Okt. I think once you choose to edit your first post in the thread the option to delete should be there.
Originally posted by Grey
You should be able to delete this yourself Okt. I think once you choose to edit your first post in the thread the option to delete should be there.

The delete function is disabled after 15 minutes of the post.
Yeah its kinda annoying when you want to delete your posts later :(