First insight to gibbing?


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
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There have been 3 new video's of Vampires: Bloodlines released. You can download them here:

One of them (the one of 34 seconds) shows a character that explodes into chunks of meat and blood. Looks really cool if you ask me. And unless Troika totally changed the gibbing system, this is probably how it will look in HL2.
It would be nice to see if HL2 uses the system of the zombies on more characters, which would allow you to gib legs of people and not the whole body at once.
But we'll see.

Bloodlines looks good too btw.
i dont mind gibbing, leg shot off its ok, but when its just a full body pop, it just looks really crap on "next gen" games, HL is a classic for it and quake :D

ill have a look at the trailers.
Wow this shows a lot of the ragdolls, and I must say they look FANTASTIC!!

I couldn't get the tremeren video to work... anyone know what format it is in?
The physics look crap in that video. The graphics look crap. In fact, that whole game looks crap :/
Im pretty sure Gabe said there was no gibbing in HL2
the zombie that gets hit by the car in the traptown video gets gibbed...
Gibbage is unrealistic unless the victim was hit with a RPG or something like that. I hope that new damage effects will appear in later games, such as energy based weapons punching holes right the way through the enemy instead of the one size fits all damage model in use by most companies at the moment.
Well, Gabe said something about there wont be very much gibbing (if any) if u take the E3 vids for an thumbrule then there wont be any gibbing at all, even when they explode(but this can be changed ofcourse, not likely though).

Im not sure how much this actually has to do with HL² but ok :-þ
Novar said:
the zombie that gets hit by the car in the traptown video gets gibbed...
Yeah but thats a different type of gibbing, that involves taking your charector and parting it in two. U cannot make a arm fall off or anything...
Yeah I can't get that tremen thing working either...
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
Yeah but thats a different type of gibbing, that involves taking your charector and parting it in two. U cannot make a arm fall off or anything...

If you watch it in slow mo or frame by frame you can actually see several peices of body parts fly out. Its more than just 2 halves of the body.
Okay, for the tremen file, just add .zip to the end and unzip it, it works, the dumbasses forgot to add the file *.zip to it :D
Are these the higher res quicktime versions or are they the crappy wmv versions? If they're the QTs I don't know how anyone in their right mind would say the game looks crap...

There's an animation/clipping bug with the left hand when firing the shotgun and the guy who's forced to strangle himself but other than that it looks fantastic IMO.
I don't think he meant when the zombie gets propellerered (heh), rather when they get hit by the exploding car at the very end.
Wolf said:
Are these the higher res quicktime versions or are they the crappy wmv versions? If they're the QTs I don't know how anyone in their right mind would say the game looks crap...

There's an animation/clipping bug with the left hand when firing the shotgun and the guy who's forced to strangle himself but other than that it looks fantastic IMO.

These are wmv's, do you know where I can get those QTs? And are these vids supposed to be soundless? Because mine are. Despite all that, it still looks cool. The gibbing is quite... graphic as well, I think I saw the guy's spinal cord fly around.
I got the QTs at Gamespot - but they unfortunately require you to registered as a Basic user (free) and get it through their DLX crapware... It was worth it for me because I'm looking forward to this game more than anything including HL2....

Still, might be worth looking around on P2P or other sites - the file names are:
Anybody else examine the facial animation and lip-synching and just think "meh."?
PvtRyan said:
There have been 3 new video's of Vampires: Bloodlines released. You can download them here:

One of them (the one of 34 seconds) shows a character that explodes into chunks of meat and blood. Looks really cool if you ask me. And unless Troika totally changed the gibbing system, this is probably how it will look in HL2.
It would be nice to see if HL2 uses the system of the zombies on more characters, which would allow you to gib legs of people and not the whole body at once.
But we'll see.

Bloodlines looks good too btw.

I love you
Not me. The facial animation was understated which is appropriate in a noir game (well better than seeing rubber-faced super-emoters all the time :p). You've got to save the exaggerated expressions for more dramatic moments or you lose impact.

As for the lip-synch - something was definitely wrong there... I suspect it was to do with the video reproduction though, given that in all the footage of Source we've seen (including the old VTM:B trailer) it looked much better. I believe there is some technology called Face Poser which allows hand tweaking to get the synch right if need be anyway...
To point things out, I'm not a big fan of gibbing either. Catapulting a body away with a well aimed HE is so much more satisfying.
But in certain circumstances like this one it looks very cool. For instance, if I would hit someone from point blank with an RPG, I would want to see them explode in a rain of organs and shattered bones. But with a HE thrown at your feet, gibbing would be out of place and just ragdolls would be much nicer.
Wouldn't it be awesome if there were a weapon in HL2 that you pick up your enemy with, and it somehow increased the pressure in the persons body making him blow up? Also, with the Gluon gun (gluons are the particles that hold quarks, and thus the atoms themselves together) I would expect the body to disintegrate and not just be blown backwards like a ragdoll.

So I'd just like to see that a combine which is killed by a normal grenade doesn't gib, but only when an extreme force is applied on it, like an RPG from 3 meters away. It would be unrealistic if the body would just fly away like it's made of steel.
I'd bet that, even if there is no gibbing in HL2, it's a "design decision, not a technical limitation"...
Brian Damage said:
I'd bet that, even if there is no gibbing in HL2, it's a "design decision, not a technical limitation"...

Ofcourse it is, we've seen gibbing in Bloodlines now haven't we? :p
exactly, i agree with the design decision comment. i dont want every enemy to blow to pieces w/ certain weapons in HL2. i like how certain situations (blades/car explosion in traptown) cause bodies to come apart. i for one think that is much cooler than gore just for the hell of it.
Haven't VALVe said that the character joints and materials have a setting for how much pressure/tension it takes to break them?

And PvtRyan: :p. I was referring to how VALVe would respond to a question about it...
why does HL2 look so much better than this game? some stuff looks cool, but i guess i just like HL2's style better.
It's the artists, I'd say. Plus the dev team apparently altered the lighting system...
Bloodlines looks excellent, seeing some of the spells was awesome.
I especially liked "Blood Boil" (which heats up the victim's blood until they explode)
and "Impose Will" (make your enemy commit suicide ala Clive Barkers Undying :D YAH!)

cool stuff all around though.
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
Well, Gabe said something about there wont be very much gibbing (if any) if u take the E3 vids for an thumbrule then there wont be any gibbing at all, even when they explode(but this can be changed ofcourse, not likely though).

Im not sure how much this actually has to do with HL² but ok :-þ

Half-Life 1 had gibbing in it, it wasn't very good looking, but it was there. I would think that Gabe and his buddies would put that feature back in, only a little bit more refined.

In the traptown video, the zombies get hit with the propeller and get gibbed, and it looks scarily realistic (not that I have seen it happen IRL.) The zombie gets hit with the prop and his torso goes sailing through the air a ragdolls when it hits the ground, its legs go spread-eagled. The other zombies get their upper bodies gibbed from explosions and one of them is strong enough to crawl after you and swipe at you with its claws.
even if gibbing is not in the game when it ships theres always a bloodlusting modder to do the job..
don't fall for that effect. all that's happening is the zombie dies, and a new enemy the 'half-zombie' replaces the torso. Don't expect zombie arms or fingers to come after you or be able to blow legs off combine and expect them to keep attacking.
im not expecting that, nor would i want it to be like SOF. i like how its limited.