
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Besides mods that can steal your cd key... here is the new little bitty that the genious's at id software gave us....

Basicaly... if you type in SET before any damn Cvar you want... it will change... They have built in see through walls... and such....

Go Id Software!!! WHOOOT!!!

*remember folks... multiplayer was a after thought... I gues it shows..*
hmmm i smell a patch coming.

and terminator: i wouldn't say this=id sucking.
They also REALLY need to patch out (or otherwise somehow fix) the bit where warezed copies can run online.
Damn... well, I guess it IS possible to use g_dragentity in multiplayer! :eek:
I don't play multiplayer, so boo me!
They really cant do squat about private servers.... number 1.

Number 2.... Why isnt the demo for this out yet? They dont want people to see the game? hehe
mayro said:
They really cant do squat about private servers.... number 1.

Number 2.... Why isnt the demo for this out yet? They dont want people to see the game? hehe

They'd rather have people buy it like half the world already has..
mayro said:
They really cant do squat about private servers.... number 1.
WTF? Once everyone else has an updated version, no one's going to be playing on old, unpatched servers... so yeah, actually they CAN do something.
Letters said:
Damn... well, I guess it IS possible to use g_dragentity in multiplayer! :eek:
w00t! I'm gonna try doing that. I wonder if object physics are handles server-side?
.... Quite frankly....

Since we arent going to beat around the bush about what people know and dont know...

ID and UNREAL and other game such as that when useing a CDKEY what they do is authenticate with the master server. Blocking the master server is as easy as blocking their IP and that is what a PRIVATE SERVER DOES.

Number 2, They already know that people didnt buy their game for multiplayer becuase as the multiplayer stands their isnt enough private or none private servers for people to give 2 hoots for.

Number 3.... Im sad to say it but i bought this darn game.

If you need anymore information about the hows and whys they cant block private servers just let me know and i can rattle off as many examples as you need. As it stands its only becuase people dont want people not to buy the game that you cant play on the regular servers.
As epic found out recently "Multiplayer demos" can be used to gain access to the master server.
God and i almost forgot.... It took them 4 years to get this game out and it wasent even optimized.
mayro said:
God and i almost forgot.... It took them 4 years to get this game out and it wasent even optimized.
Excuse me? What trash are you spewing now? As far as I can tell the game was highly optimised since it can even run on 3-4 year old hardware.
i guess i had to add this...
seta image_useCache "1"
seta image_cacheMegs "256"
seta image_cacheMinK "20480"
becuase they optimized the game?

i gained 10fps off of that.
seta image_useCache 1 crashes D3 for me.. ;(
They didn't do it because it only helps certain folks, where as for others such as Shuzer, myself and a boat load of people it crashes the game.
mayro said:
i guess i had to add this...
seta image_useCache "1"
seta image_cacheMegs "256"
seta image_cacheMinK "20480"
becuase they optimized the game?

i gained 10fps off of that.

You are a moron.

If the code is in the engine that recognizes such script commands and perfroms differently based upon those commands then the engine does indeed support alteration of performance variables; i.e. optimization.

When will some of you forum idiots realize the difference between capability and implementation? Anyway, knock it when you can code something better, and not until.
Uh it's optimized as hell. For it to even be running on some of those lower end systems and still look that good is a damn near miracle.
No game that has just been released is perfect, which is why patches exist..
Sedako said:
No game that has just been released is perfect, which is why patches exist..

this is a pretty glaring imperfection
gh0st said:
this is a pretty glaring imperfection

This problem exists in the multi-player aspect of Doom 3, which is not what id was focusing on. I'm sure it won't take that long to fix though, as it's just a tweak to the console commands. All it takes is a click of the handy "update" button. I'm tired of people bashing id because of any problems that come up. It's apparent they've worked very hard on the engine to get it as optimized as it is. id created the the FPS genre, and they also created the quake engine that was used in Half-Life. Without id, there would be no Half-Life, and that would mean no Half-Life 2.
Sedako said:
This problem exists in the multi-player aspect of Doom 3, which is not what id was focusing on. I'm sure it won't take that long to fix though, as it's just a tweak to the console commands. All it takes is a click of the handy "update" button. I'm tired of people bashing id because of any problems that come up. It's apparent they've worked very hard on the engine to get it as optimized as it is. id created the the FPS genre, and they also created the quake engine that was used in Half-Life. Without id, there would be no Half-Life, and that would mean no Half-Life 2.

great product but its obvious they rushed over the MP aspect - important because mods use the same engine for their multiplayer as well. who knows what other quick hacks there are lurking in the console? D3 doesnt have steam to constantly update with cheat protection, i forsee D3 and all its mods are going to have a tough problem with hackers.
Guess what people? ID software didn't make the multiplayer for Doom 3. It was made by Splash Damage (RTCW Enemy Territory, IIRC). It was splash damage's job to test multiplayer. ID software was there to make sure it was okay (as in fun to play), not to find out about these hacks and multiplayer problems.
blahblahblah said:
Guess what people? ID software didn't make the multiplayer for Doom 3. It was made by Splash Damage (RTCW Enemy Territory, IIRC). It was splash damage's job to test multiplayer. ID software was there to make sure it was okay (as in fun to play), not to find out about these hacks and multiplayer problems. said:
Splash Damage has most recently worked with id Software on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and will be co-developing DOOM 3's multiplayer levels.

you got something backwards. i dont see what difference it makes, its still id's logo on the box.
Shuzer said:
They also REALLY need to patch out (or otherwise somehow fix) the bit where warezed copies can run online.
of course. but who would download the patch?
mayro said:
God and i almost forgot.... It took them 4 years to get this game out and it wasent even optimized.

LoL what the hell makes you think that? this game is probably more optimized than HL2 will be. It might not have DX7.0 support (or does it?) but im pretty certain HL2 will look like shit on really old computers where as doom3 looks amazing at 640xXXX on low settings.
Multiplayer not important in DooM 3? Then why are they holding a 128 player DooM 3 tournament at Quakecon? I'd say id better have some kind of patch ready for that event.
Alig said:
LoL what the hell makes you think that? this game is probably more optimized than HL2 will be. It might not have DX7.0 support (or does it?) but im pretty certain HL2 will look like shit on really old computers where as doom3 looks amazing at 640xXXX on low settings.

True it looks awesome on the low settings. But i think it only supports Direct X 8.1 and 9.0b/c
Isn't this jsut great. This jsut means less and less Doom 3 MODs (and more and more HL2 MODs). Ok, maybe this is actually great.
FictiousWill said:
You are a moron.

If the code is in the engine that recognizes such script commands and perfroms differently based upon those commands then the engine does indeed support alteration of performance variables; i.e. optimization.

When will some of you forum idiots realize the difference between capability and implementation? Anyway, knock it when you can code something better, and not until.


/me looks confused

/me cries at the loss of the /me connand and the fact that attachments open in the same window ;(
guys... truely im not trying to BASH id for anything. Im just letting you guys know whats going on and that on most fourms the information that i posted the seta stuff is stickyed to the top. It is working for alot of people and really i dont know why it would crash peoples pc's becuase i am as you say when it comes to that type of stuff unknolageable. I posted what i did becuase that is what I SEE. I do see that people are haveing problems and people come into bestbuy asking me questions all the time.

I really am sorry as i was not meaning to upset anyone. Really i am trying to work on me not being such a ass... Forgive me?
mayro said:
guys... truely im not trying to BASH id for anything. Im just letting you guys know whats going on and that on most fourms the information that i posted the seta stuff is stickyed to the top. It is working for alot of people and really i dont know why it would crash peoples pc's becuase i am as you say when it comes to that type of stuff unknolageable. I posted what i did becuase that is what I SEE. I do see that people are haveing problems and people come into bestbuy asking me questions all the time.

I really am sorry as i was not meaning to upset anyone. Really i am trying to work on me not being such a ass... Forgive me?

I know you've been helpful in the past, and I just have really strong loyalties to id (I've played every game they've made, including the commander keen series.) People shouldn't blame id for for this. Like Blah said, the mp wasn't their creation, and therefore they probably didn't bug test as much as they did for sp. Take a look at how complete sp is bug wise. They've done an incredible job with this release.
HAHA i wish i had a cd key for my game.. i can play lan tho w00t
The MP was their creation!

The maps where spashdamage's the MP code was ID's and the testing for the code should of come to ID not splashdamage.