First map comming from a old CoD player/mapper

hm i love the theme/idea, it could be a very nice looking the map, the only problem is that everything is way too blocky. Use more displacements, add a couple of weeds/straggly bushes, and make the buildings and walls more crumbly/broken down/overgrown and ill love it :)
Yeh, I have to agree with blinking halo. Also, add some good lighting :).

And like he said, definately add more random things lying about the place, like bins, and garbage. And make some more abstract buildings, with curves and such.

Good so far though, being your first map :).
yeah, im woring on that stuff. I just used giant blocks to get out the floor plan so to speak, and am building the houses one by one. Also, how do i build broken houses ? just a bunch of smaller brushes to build broken walls ?

I'll have a play of it :). Email sending :p

To make the broken houses, just take a wall, cut it up a bit with the slice tool, and then mess with the vertexes or delete sections of the wall.
ok, havnt gotten the email yet. but also, i dont know if your able to tell from the screenies, but i have a fog rolling over the whole map :)

Flippage said:
I'll have a play of it :). Email sending :p

To make the broken houses, just take a wall, cut it up a bit with the slice tool, and then mess with the vertexes or delete sections of the wall.
dont forget to tie to entity 'func_detail' or else it will slow the map (compiling and playing).
Very... linear looking.. add some more "details" to make it look like a location of interest.. but dont go overboard.

you have the base, just expand from there.