First Map.


Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
This is my first map. It's kinda chunky, because it started out being just a layout. If people like this, I might double the face count on all the curved architecture - in some places where it's lit by spotlights the separate faces are really obvious - you'll see in the screenshots. However, I have no idea how this thing will run with more than two people on it, so that may not be a good idea. The arches and curves have all been converted to func_detail... I hope.

The style is pretty different from most of what I've seen out there. On one of the test runs a guy commented that it looked like something from Unreal (he joined the game while I was walking around making sure things looked right). Which it probably does.

Two questions:
Does anyone knows the console command to view it in wireframe or whatevver so I can see how the faces are being rendered.? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but hopefully someone knows what the hell I'm trying to say.
Where do you guys host your maps?
looks a bit dark though...but also cool - not really sure what to gather from screenshot 2 i think it is (the overhead)...