First Resident Evil: Extinction Images

Oh god.

Milla looks pretty fugly, as usual, and once again the big PA is churning out some shitty-ass script about his character that doesn't even exist in the game, and he even has the sheer nerve to go and give her superhuman powers. Does this man completely suck?

This movie is going to be shit: fact.
Pfff. I can't get over just how bad Apocalypse was. Seeing that picture, it's just the same old "put the model in tight revealing clothes and we'll add a bit of guns and kung fu, like teh matricks."

I think I'll pass. (sorry Raziel :( )
Yeah....I'm definitly selling.

And, no, Milla does NOT look very good in that shot.
Milla isn't attractive at all. imho.

Although, I admit when I first saw her in The Fifth Element I thought she was kinda hot.

But yeah, these RE movies are all rather shit.
I mean If you've never heard of the game, and go and see the movie....
Chances are you'll love it. :|
hey I have that knife ..although not the hollywood-oversized version

it's a Kukhuri (nepalese)

the RE movies never interested me ..I'm sure this will be more of the same.
Samon said:
Oh god.

Milla looks pretty fugly, as usual, and once again the big PA is churning out some shitty-ass script about his character that doesn't even exist in the game, and he even has the sheer nerve to go and give her superhuman powers. Does this man completely suck?

This movie is going to be shit: fact.
Agreed. Mila is ugly even when posing for mags.

This film will suck, but somehow do decent at the box office.
Eek. She looks bad and so does the film. And this guy is doing Castlevania?! ;( ;( ;(
I really liked the 1st movie. The 2nd let me down but was entertaining im still going to see the 3rd.

I still think Silent Hill was a amazing movie and best video game movie.
The first is by no means a good film, but it's something you can switch to (possibly because it's on British TV all the time) and just watch for an hour or so. Mindless entertainment, really.
Oh dear. This film is going to suck and would still suck no matter how awesome Jovovich does or doesn't look. Sounds like all the trendy cheap action-horror badness of the first 2 mixed with some half-baked Mad Max concept and the stupid super-heroine idea from Alien:Resurrection. AVOID, and make it flop as it should.
Yes i liked it, i still couldnt stand how much it would be better if based on the game and mansion but still if there wasnt any game and this was just a movie it would be "good" "decent". Speaking of the 1st movie.
I thought the 2nd one was decent popcorn filk. I mean, if Bad Boys II is on and there's nothing else really on, goddammit I'll watch it. I think I was watching a little of Armageddon a few nights ago too I was so bored...

****ing Michael Bay.
I like the films. I think of them as being only lightly based upon the game. If they did everything the same as the games then the movies would be way too long and they'd have to cut loads of stuff out.

I'll watch this.
Each of Paul Anderson's movies are worse then the one before it. After apocalypse this movie has a very good chance to tread into Uwe boll terrirtory.

Whats the point of even calling this resident evil? They already crapped all over the tons of great source material in order to make something that is completely irrelavent to all things resident evil.

The fans resent that they continue to piss all over the source material so its not like they are banking on the name recognition... so why keep doing it?

Why are people like anderson and boll so retarded as to not be able to see how completely pathetic their scripts and movies are.. DERRR lets have her fly through a window on a motorcycle with the guns and the explosions and the mayhem all matrixy like and then do martial arts against the big STARS monster, it will be cinematic gold!!!3121!

Its like this crap is written by kindergardeners.
Ren.182 said:
I like the films. I think of them as being only lightly based upon the game. If they did everything the same as the games then the movies would be way too long and they'd have to cut loads of stuff out.

I'll watch this.

Thats how i view it

Will go watch this sometime when they release it
I'll probably check this one out, even though RE:Apocalypse savaged my testicles with it's horridness. The first one was entertaining anyway, if in little way related to the games. Ah well.
The first one was alright, or at least bearable. The second was concentraited horse manure.
The first film was terrible, badly written script, awful acting, screwed up story (how can you get it all so wrong with all that source material at your finger tips!).

The second one took that and made it worse, adding characters from the games, and getting they're characteristics completely wrong, and still generally making everything completely wrong and rubbish at the same time.

They don't deserve to be continued, and should have had a restart after the first one came out.

It's now a large scaled action flick, rather than a subtle sci-fi horror/thriller.

If you ignore the fact that these movies are supposed to be based on the video game series, they can actually be watchable.
Can't say they are, if they were not Resident Evil they'd still be stupid, badly written and badly acted films.

awww yeh that all speaks for itself, but Hollywood allowed him to do it, so I'm really pissed at them mostly for allow it to happen. And damn you CAPCOM for letting them buy your movie rights!!!!!
Dumb Dude said:
If you ignore the fact that these movies are supposed to be based on the video game series, they can actually be watchable.

If you ignore that fact, this movie loses what little it had going for it.
Plot (adapted) = :LOL:
Dumb Dude said:
If you ignore the fact that these movies are supposed to be based on the video game series, they can actually be watchable.

Que-Ever said:
She has the face of a rotten jack-o-lantern, and the body of a bulemic twelve-year-old boy.

Oh yeah, Que, talk dirty to me.

Anyway, yeah, the RE movies are just mindless entertainment. Fine when you're inebriated or bored, but otherwise... :x

And I am sorry, but Milla Jovovich IS hot. Maybe in a more "rugged" way, but I'd still hit it, and I DARE you to tell me you wouldn't.
I enjoyed Resident Evil: Apocalypes in my own way. Because I was forced to gouge out my eyes from its sheer stupidity I never have to worry about wearing glasses.
The first one was "entertaining"
The second one was so badly done, so stupid, the nemesis was so lame, you could see the cables when he jumped.
I like how everyone talks about how they wasted all this great source material. Give me a break. The story and dialogue was just as bad, if not worse in the games. They have TERRIBLE narrative. They succeeded on the basis of cheap scares and competent gameplay. Even Resident Evil 4, an amazing game, had cringe-worthy plot, writing, and line delivery. Why would you ever expect the movies to be any better?

And has Milla Jovovich ever been in a good movie besides He Got Game? She's not that attractive and she certainly isn't an amazing actress, why does she keep getting cast?
Resident evil 4 has the worst dialogue and story of the lot. I wear ear protection when I watch the cutscenes.
Yeah, but I figure on the games purposely mimicking bad movies. They're hilarious sometimes.

Run Barry Run!