First TDM Map : Sawblade Room

Aug 19, 2004
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Hey there! I just wanted to announce that my first map for HL2DM has been finished. It is TDM, but I will be making a DM version later. This map really puts your grav gun skills to the test by putting both teams in one empty room, separated by a Combine shield wall, with 22 sawblades on each side...

This map is surely to be full of pure madness and fun! This map isn't up for download just yet, but it will be at , my clan site. Any suggestions to make this map better would be appreciated! :)
Looks like a very fun map. Can't wait for a release. :cheers:
like ggun whoring wasn't enough on normal maps. lol jk. I think this might be cool. Might be better if there were less saw blades though. This will prolly be very laggy with 12+ people.
two teams throwning sawblades at eachother. nice idea.
It would be even funnier if there was only one sawblade :D

The teams would have to take turns to have a throw
"dodge duck dip dive and doge" "if you can doge a ball you better hope you can dodge a sawblade"
Noobulon said:
It would be even funnier if there was only one sawblade :D

The teams would have to take turns to have a throw

I second that motion :)
How would you sort it so that rebel and combine teams were perfectly seperated on either side of the energy field?
Wilsonator said:
How would you sort it so that rebel and combine teams were perfectly seperated on either side of the energy field?

Not to mention that they didnt spawn with any other guns...maybe a small hallway to the side that connects each end so there's a bottleneck of death... :frog:
hahaha..just watched Dodgeball last night

sounds cool though, gotta love dodgeball with sawblades.

maybe it could be modded so that the sawblades would bounce? since I believe they just stick into whatever they hit. lol...I can imagine all those sawblades bouncing around that room, no one would live.