the Marines need it, with the sucess of Americas Army.. but wait this isin't being done by the army.. it's GOD games.. but im sure the Marines appreciate it
"The Marine Corps is deeply involved in the development of the game--to the point of dispatching as many as 30 to 40 decorated active-duty combat veterans (fresh from Iraq and Afghanistan) to work with the development team to capture the gritty details and nuances of urban combat. The Corps plans to use an adapted version of First to Fight as a training aid for marines in the barracks, and it sees the civilian version as a means to present the Corps' values of honor, duty, commitment, teamwork, and professionalism to the public. What we'll be getting will be very similar to what the Marine Corps will get, because the Marine and civilian versions will share about 90-percent commonality. The main differences rely on the fact that the Marine version will feature some specialized enhancements requested by various groups within the Corps for training purposes."
and what I was waiting for "First to Fight will also feature multiplayer support for the PC and Xbox Live, though details are scarce for now. Furthermore, the developers are still deciding whether it will support split-screen multiplayer on the Xbox."