First Zbrush sculpt

The GMan

Jul 13, 2009
Reaction score
Hi guys, new here. Can't Believe this screen name wasn't taken!

Anyway here's my first Zbrush sculpt. It's either extremely easy to use or just comes naturally to me, because I have no problem at all making stuff like this. Although I know it's far from perfect and could use much more detail, I didn't use any reference pics...just had to feel around my own ears a bit.

I know this is useless for animating, so I'm starting to get into learning Maya. In a few months when I become proficient I would like to help out with some mods. And maybe, years from now, work for a game development company.:rolling:



  • heed.JPG
    28.1 KB · Views: 239
Certainly way better than I can do. Good job!

I mean I obviously see issues with it, but still good job.
I didn't use any reference pics

Exactly the opposite of what you should be doing when trying to learn how to sculpt humans. Your sculpt looks exactly like what it is, a mental approximation of what a human head looks like from someone who doesnt know the structure of the human head. Take a look through the googles for reference on skull shapes, facial muscles, all the different shapes of noses, eyes, brows, chins etc. There are a lot of books out there to help with this too. If you have a couple bucks to spare, check out Anatomy for the Artist. It has lots of actual photoreference along with drawings of anatomy on clear-sheet overlays and such. Its a great resource, and whenever I sculpt I usually have it open right next to me.

Also, ew. Red wax is the wooooorst shader ever. :P
Thanks, I will definitely get the book. I wasn't trying too hard yet to be anatomically correct, just learning the UI and getting the hang of making human-ish things.

Lately I've caught myself only washing one side of myself in the shower, getting too used to the axis mirroring tool. I should probably take a break from modeling for a few hours... :laugh:

What shader do you recommend? I was just using the default.
Found the Anatomy for the Artist book, its fantastic! I just skimmed through it but the bits I did read were very thorough and quite interesting. Looks like I have a lot of studying to do..