Five new Thief III Vids

It says September 5, they are not so new or am I wrong?
Hm, I cant even see those (plays sound but not video, crappy codec)...
I just hope they have fun gameplay in this one, would be a shame to see the Theif series go down. And dear GOD how I hope zombies arent in there :p
Originally posted by dawdler
Hm, I cant even see those (plays sound but not video, crappy codec)...
I just hope they have fun gameplay in this one, would be a shame to see the Theif series go down. And dear GOD how I hope zombies arent in there :p

Why not? I hope they are in, I want to be scared again.
I didn't like the zombies either.

There are three things I hate in a game
1: Enemies that will go down but not stay down
2: Enemies that respawn
3: Unnecessary leaping levels

But otherwise I am looking forward to Thief 3.

Edited so the :E wouldn't show as a smilies
well i remember reading somewhere that zombies are in thief 3. i thought the zombies in thief 1 were avoided easily enough just by running away. they're pretty stupid. but if they get an ai revamp like everything else, they'll be a pain in the ass indeed. hopefully they'll stay down for longer this time, though :|
Zombies were really scary. You thought you had run away from them, but then suddenly they appeared in your back moaning and groaning and tearing out your flesh.

Yes, they certainly were scary.
it'll be neat to see how extra detailed they'll be in thief 3 :p maybe the haunts will return in some of the cathedral levels. the eax 1/2 tech they're using will make it even spookier :eek:
You know why you guys hate them? Because you get used to clear levels out in FPS, so here you want to knock/kill everyone else too. Knowing that there are enemies on the map that you can’t kill gave you sense of insecurity. I think it was great.
I've never played Theif 1 & 2, but they should still get rid of the zombies. They're so overused. HL2, Doom 3, Theif, they're everywhere.
it depends on how they're used. it's not like they're cannon fodder (as they seem to be in doom 3). for me, they were there to keep the crypt levels challenging and atmospheric. down in the bonehoard was one of my favorite levels because of the zombeeez :p
Originally posted by Sparky the Fox
it depends on how they're used. it's not like they're cannon fodder (as they seem to be in doom 3). for me, they were there to keep the crypt levels challenging and atmospheric. down in the bonehoard was one of my favorite levels because of the zombeeez :p

What about cathedral levels? Jesus, these levels terrified me to death!
As for zombies overused, Fox is right, Thief used them in a very good way.
Originally posted by dawdler
Hm, I cant even see those (plays sound but not video, crappy codec)...
I just hope they have fun gameplay in this one, would be a shame to see the Theif series go down. And dear GOD how I hope zombies arent in there :p

I liked the zombies. At least they were better than those stupid robots...

I just always remember the level Down in the Bonehoard. That mission freaks me out, and the music in that level is awesome. Just gives me the creeps. And the zombies were everywhere, but without enough ammo it was better to just sneak/run around them.

I just hope that Thief 3 maintains the feel of the original 2. If it does, then it'll be a success. Does anyone know if the team working on it has any of the guys from Looking Glass Studios on it? I know it's being made by Ion Storm, but I'm hoping most of the LG guys moved over to make Thief 3.
Originally posted by dis
Does anyone know if the team working on it has any of the guys from Looking Glass Studios on it?

Yep, a lot of them there actually.
Awesome, then Thief 3 should be pretty good. crosses fingers
return to the cathedral was pretty neat. i thought it was more hard than scary, mostly because the zombies patrolled almost every route you could take. i thought the mansion at the end was pretty creepy because of all the weeeeird bugs that could kill you with one of their balls o' flies. the haunts and whatnot in the cathedral were dispatched easily enough with three flash bombs and a bunch of back-stabs :)

and what do people have against the robots in thief 2? i thought they were neat. the children of karras :) i also like their random phrases.
Personally, I just didn't think that the robots fit that well in the Thief universe. They just seemed out of place to me.
wow, the game is beautiful and seems to capture the look of thief well, although you can't hear the sound because of all the background noise.

Anyone have any idea when this is coming out?
Concerning all the zombies in Thief, I didnt like them cause they didnt have much to do with the thief feeling. Sure they could be scary. And they did their job at filling the void. But zombies of all things? Why not something remotly human, like vampires? Stab an arrow in their hearts! :)
It just didnt feel right going from robbing high aristocracy to stalking an abandoned mine infested with zombies.

Though I dissagree about the machines, those things actually did fit the gameplay. Stupid it may seem, but it is an integral part of the thief world, unlike zombies.
Originally posted by dawdler
Concerning all the zombies in Thief, I didnt like them cause they didnt have much to do with the thief feeling. Sure they could be scary. And they did their job at filling the void. But zombies of all things? Why not something remotly human, like vampires? Stab an arrow in their hearts! :)
It just didnt feel right going from robbing high aristocracy to stalking an abandoned mine infested with zombies.

Though I dissagree about the machines, those things actually did fit the gameplay. Stupid it may seem, but it is an integral part of the thief world, unlike zombies.

Oh so, there is a guidebook for Thief World that shows what fits in game world and what not. Please, without zombies Thief 1 would have totally different feeling. Why mines? Because it was connected to the storyline in such way, and I think if it was just robbing people all time, Thief would get boring very fast.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Oh so, there is a guidebook for Thief World that shows what fits in game world and what not. Please, without zombies Thief 1 would have totally different feeling. Why mines? Because it was connected to the storyline in such way, and I think if it was just robbing people all time, Thief would get boring very fast.
Theif 2 never got booring, lots and lots of stealing and it nearly scrapped the zombies :)
And you cant see how the machines fit the Thief world? What, you never played the game? Zombies I cant see fit the world. Either way, they are an anomally. (I have never seen a game count zombies to the local fauna. Possibly NWN, but even there it was an anomally.)
Zombies are not anomaly in fantasy world and Thief is set in fantasy medieval world, plus, remember Hammerists, some of them knew magic, priests for example. And above you are saying that vampires would be good for the game, but zombies are not. So by following your logic, vampires are everyday occurrence?
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Zombies are not anomaly in fantasy world and Thief is set in fantasy medieval world, plus, remember Hammerists, some of them knew magic, priests for example. And above you are saying that vampires would be good for the game, but zombies are not. So by following your logic, vampires are everyday occurrence?
How did you come to that conclusion? My proposition with vampires was that at least they have brains, look human enough (ie they can dwell LOGICALLY in an urban enviroment), and is a funnier foe than a zombie. Zombies ARE an anomaly in Theif. It is NOT 'fantasy' in that remark. Sure, it is a fantasy. But then Tron 2 is fantasy too. And Deus Ex. Hell, even Doom 3 and HL2 is fantasy. The Theif world is a medieval world on the brink of industrial revolution. Some of the characters got fantasy like abilities, yes. But that is also the anomally, nothing that is normal (like in the fantasy world you are thinking). Only stealing is normal ;)
Originally posted by dawdler
How did you come to that conclusion? My proposition with vampires was that at least they have brains, look human enough (ie they can dwell LOGICALLY in an urban enviroment), and is a funnier foe than a zombie. Zombies ARE an anomaly in Theif. It is NOT 'fantasy' in that remark. Sure, it is a fantasy. But then Tron 2 is fantasy too. And Deus Ex. Hell, even Doom 3 and HL2 is fantasy. The Theif world is a medieval world on the brink of industrial revolution. Some of the characters got fantasy like abilities, yes. But that is also the anomally, nothing that is normal (like in the fantasy world you are thinking). Only stealing is normal ;)

Doom III, Tron 2, HL2, Deus Ex are sci-fi titles, some are more than another.
And I still don’t see why zombies can’t exist in Thief world, but submarines and mechanical robots can.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Doom III, Tron 2, HL2, Deus Ex are sci-fi titles, some are more than another.
And I still don’t see why zombies can’t exist in Thief world, but submarines and mechanical robots can.
Its actually quite simple. Theif is not fantasy. And that's it. Its a hybrid of scifi and fantasy and medieval. How can submarines and robots exist today?
The world in Theif is a slightly mystical and magical but downright gritty medieval world, that has discovered how to make mechanical stuff. But unlike the real world, where it went medieval -> renaissance -> industrial, the theif world goes medieval -> industrial. Of course zombies can exist, but machines are much more logical than zombies.
Still, you claiming that zombies are not fitting Thief games is absurd in my point of view, or maybe I am reading something wrong.
aww guys stop crapping the thread :p i think that if supernatural monkeys and bugs are there, then zombies are a-ok :p i suppose the zombies were in the various crypt levels to make them harder, since the levels tended to be too bright and open (especially down in the bonehoard) to make having haunts fair, and it'd just be silly to see some guards patrolling around the various corpses :p

and the german movie was indeed new. i thank you, mr.spock :p maybe someone can translate the oooodles of german he's gushing? all i got was "unreal engine" and "thief drei" :p

edit: too...many... :ps
mmmm I'm really looking forward to this game...loved the previous ones. too bad the vids are so poor quality especially the sound :-/