fixed number of little sisters per level?


Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
So, when pressing escape the game shows how many little sisters are left in an area, and how many you have processed. Also whenever you process a little sister this info comes up. So, in neptune's bounty there are three little sisters, but for some reason they just keep coming. Right now I have (with a lot of ****ing effort) wasted 4 big daddies and processed 4 little sisters (this shows up as 4 of 3 in the info) and still there is one of those suckers rambeling about down there.

Is this intentional or is it a glitch? Also, I noticed that these last 3 big daddies I wasted had the same name which I found pretty odd. Indicative of a bug I guess. Anybody know?
There are only two kinds of Big Daddies. Rosie's, the gunners, and Bouncers, the mofo up-close and drill your face of ones. There was originally planned to be several, but it took too much work. So the two types have the same names. As for the Sisters, that must be a glitch. Albeit: There ARE more Big Daddies than Little Sisters, but there are a fixed number of Sisters. So, it's always entertaining to watch a Big Daddy try and get a Little Sister out of a Hidey Hole, and get mad because none comes out. Are you sure you havn't wandered into another area?
Yeah, I'm sure. I haven't verified that there is a fifth little sister (only noticed the fifth big daddy and haven't played since that) but I did verify that it said "4 of 3 little sisters processed" (or whatever) when I did the last one. I'm thinking this could be a glitch when you use quickload/quicksave in conjuncture with the vita-chamber upon death.
I had the same glitch happen. Or similar at least. I forgot which area it was in, but I think it was after Fort Frolic. It showed that only 3 Little Sisters were in the area, so I saved them all. Then I started towards the next area when all of a sudden I heard "Look Mr. Bubbles, ADAM!" I was like, sweet? Regardless, took the BD out and saved the Little Sister for some ADAM, so it was all good. Maybe they just forgot there were four of them there, I don't know.
Had the same glitch, in Fort Frolic I think. Showed 3 on the start menu, but I got a 4th somewhere. It was weird because when I went to exit the level it told me there were still little sisters on the level - which there weren't. Also, I got the achievement for "dealing" with all of them when there was still one left wandering around the final level :P
I just got out of Fort Frolic, and I had the same thing. 3 Sisters showed up in the esc menu, but I got 4. I also got a message when I left fort Frolic saying that I had missed some.
It's probably dev-error like I said. I doubt the game is glitching and accidentally providing another LS. They probably just forgot to mention the last one. Oh well.