There are some inaccurate worth fixing on the main site. Look at the HL2 enemy guide for instance. It seems to be copied straight from the Prima guide, which isn't know for its accuracy.
The scanners are only called "Type I" and "Type II", when they're really City and Shield scanners, respectively. The shield scanners don't have a "fast firing machine gun", the Synths can be damaged by more then just RPG hits (grenades, pulse rifle orbs). It's not mentioned that the Elites can use the pulse rifle's secondary fire, nothing about the HEV suit providing poison headcrab antidotes, etcetera.
Will these things be fixed in time?
The scanners are only called "Type I" and "Type II", when they're really City and Shield scanners, respectively. The shield scanners don't have a "fast firing machine gun", the Synths can be damaged by more then just RPG hits (grenades, pulse rifle orbs). It's not mentioned that the Elites can use the pulse rifle's secondary fire, nothing about the HEV suit providing poison headcrab antidotes, etcetera.
Will these things be fixed in time?