FlatOut: Ragdoll Physics Trailer

ooo thats so clever!!!

sorry its unobvious for me lol. but i found it within a minute anyways :D

yes i have lost the plot a little......
That's really cool. Burnout 3 would be even cooler if it had something similar.
How come no one ever relizes that any link that username makes is done with smilies..
Am i the only one who caches on?
Minerel said:
How come no one ever relizes that any link that username makes is done with smilies..
Am i the only one who caches on?

Nah nah me knows me knows. Anyway that game doesnt look bad. Seems you cna do some funny stuff but not really into racing games. :/
Finnish people that did FlatOut :naughty:

Damn the game looks cool