Fleas D:


Jun 16, 2006
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My yard is infested with fleas. I mean EVERYWHERE. Best way to kill them?

Seriously though, fleas tend to hide in long grass.
So cut the grass more often, using chemicals isn't really recommended if you have pets... so you'll just have to deal with them.
go in your yard completely naked covered in honey and lay down for 4 hours. Be sure to keep applying more honey every hour or so.
**** the pets, CHEMICALS. if they get inside, prepare to itch non-stop.
I have kittens. I share the pain.

Seriously, nuke the ****ers.
Just walk your pets when they need to go out, use chemicals/pesticides. When the chemicals wear off, let your pets in the yard again.
If you have pets, put Frontline treatment on them.

Fleas need blood to survive. No blood = dead fleas. Blood saturated with frontline = dead fleas.
Invite Angelina Jolie over to walk pantiless through the grass.

Never heard of fleas living in grass before. Does that only happen in warmer places?
Ugh, this has been the hottest summer in SC in a while. I put some flea killing stuff all around my porch and brought my pets on the porch. At least they won't be so miserable.
The best way is to get a tray, and fill it with water. Put it on the carpet/grass(wherever the fleas are) and then stand a candle in the middle of the tray, and light it.

The fleas are attracted to the light/heat of the candle, jump towards it, and they drown in the tray of water. The good thing about this method is that you can see the effects instantly... and you get to laugh and point at the dirty little bas*ards.