Flooding in UK


Dec 25, 2004
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I'm sure you're all aware that at the moment the UK is suffering from torrential flooding that occurred over the weekend. Many people's homes and businesses have been completely flooded and around 350,000 people in regions such as Gloucester and Tewkesbury alone are without fresh water and electricity due to water treatment facilities becoming contaminated by rain water and overflowing drainage systems.

Has anyone here been directly affected? Perhaps you have friends or family who have been? What are your thoughts on how the situation has been responded to?

I personally think the response has been some what poor thus far; evacuations were far too late, flood defences in designated flood plains were substandard due to cuts in funding and it's only now the government are conjuring up contingency plans to supply those affected with fresh water and shelter.

The military was even called out to a lone estate where one of my mate's lived as he was completely cut off due to flooding. How I do hate British weather.
I went down to see my nana today, and we were watching it on the news and she just pipes up "I don't care what any of you say, in the Bible it says - " "Stop."

But yeah, it's terrible.
I went down to see my nana today, and we were watching it on the news and she just pipes up "I don't care what any of you say, in the Bible it says - " "Stop."

But yeah, it's terrible.

lol, dont blame Nana all that much, old peopl etend to become more religious as they age ...my dad who couldnt give a **** about religion throughout my entire life has asked me a number of times whether my kids will be baptised ..to which I reply with an emphatic: "no, my kids were not born with sin, so there is no need"

...my wife's nana thought I was her brother who died during ww2 ...her other grandmother, an immigrant to canada when she was a teen, hated all immigrants near the end of her life ...I cringe aound my dad sometimes as he sometimes says culturally insensitive things ..not that he means it, it's just that he forgets that perhaps people might not take too kindly to racial generalisations ...guess the older you get the less inhibition you have when it comes to speaking your mind

hope all is well, brit-landers
Ah old people, can't live with 'em, don't really need 'em either :p
Wow, no Katrina Response references yet? Surprising given how sh1t it turned out.

My toughts are with everyone who is affected by this. Gov'ts need to wake up and realize that Mother Nature is potentially the biggest terrorist out there and if we keep pissing her off, we will keep losing ground in the never-ending battle of Good v. Water!!:sniper:
Ah right, I forgot, Katrina references. So: any black people looting shit yet?
The thing is, we don't really get freak or severe weather here, but when it's a bit more torrential than usual, the country just can't cope.

The basics are the layout of the land and the antique engineering that's still in place all over the country.
Ah right, I forgot, Katrina references. So: any black people looting shit yet?

dont forget about the reports of "white survivors desparately trying to find food in department stores ..and that's ok if they take plasma tvs so long as they need it for survival, unlike black folk that watch rap videos all day; definately not for survival ...man these black people need to be reminded that we're in charge here and we wont allow them to take OUR hard earned money and spend it on strippers/jewelery"
dont forget about the reports of "white survivors desparately trying to find food in department stores ..and that's ok if they take plasma tvs so long as they need it for survival, unlike black folk that watch rap videos all day; definately not for survival ...man these black people need to be reminded that we're in charge here and we wont allow them to take OUR hard earned money and spend it on strippers/jewelery"

I'm lucky that I live in an area that has less water per head than the Sahara Desert.
Is it me or does flooding in the UK seem to happen easier and easier nowadays? It just doesn't seem to me as if it rained all that much. I mean sure it did come down heavily quite a few times over the last week, but didn't that used to happen just as much when we were kids, without all these crazy floods happening too? When I was in Japan it used to rain for days on end in typhoon season and there'd never be floods like this.

*grumbles water-knew-its-place-in-MY-day-mrbrlrfrrhgrmm...*
Is it me or does flooding in the UK seem to happen easier and easier nowadays? It just doesn't seem to me as if it rained all that much. I mean sure it did come down heavily quite a few times over the last week, but didn't that used to happen just as much when we were kids, without all these crazy floods happening too? When I was in Japan it used to rain for days on end in typhoon season and there'd never be floods like this.

*grumbles water-knew-its-place-in-MY-day-mrbrlrfrrhgrmm...*
Heh that's what I thought at first, however it was stated that the approximate quantity of rain fall on the Friday was equivalent to a month's worth of rain water... in one day.

Considering the geography of the locations affected too I'm not entirely surprised. Best summer yet eh? I can't wait till I bugger off to a private apartment in Spain for a week in August. TAKE ME AWAY FROM ZIS