Flu Vaccine Dystonia chick miraculously "cured"


May 5, 2004
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An Ashburn, Virginia woman is in the fight of her life after suffering a very rare side effect to the seasonal flu shot.

Doctors at Fairfax Inova and Johns Hopkins diagnosed her with a rare neurological disorder called dystonia. They think it was caused by a severe reaction to the flu shot.

Desiree now has difficulty speaking, walking, and even eating. During an interview with FOX 5, she had several seizures. The effects are irreversible.


well apparantly she's "cured"

Turns out that her incurable disorder has been cured. Oh, and it probably wasn't vaccines that caused her problems, despite her story spurring on a huge anti-vaccination movement. Oh, and she probably never actually had dystonia.


if you laugh at this video, you're going to hell

I'd like to thank zombieturtle for saying this in response to me saying it was fake, thus letting me shove it in his face.

Yes, because pretending to have an unusual and eccentric crippling disorder for the rest of your life in exchange for 15 minutes of fame and perhaps a bit of money is totally worth the effort. :rolleyes:

Oh, and for good measure lets make up a totally irrelevant twist in the story about how she still has the ability to run.


And if its a hoax, then they clearly wouldnt keep it up forever, and at some point they'd be like, HAH! Tricked you!

I reserve the right to say "I told you so, and you're stupid ZT" for when that happens.

So, without further adieu, I told you so, and you're stupid ZT.

More to read on this. http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2009/11/desiree_jennings_cured.php
"Desiree Jennings is finally making great strides in her recovery."

In ZT's defense he based his claims on the assumption that she would not get better.

that is all.
Aww, now she's out of my league.

HAH! My first thought too. But I mean if her boyfriend or whatever stuck with her then he's probably cheering like a champion.

So anyways I'm far too lazy to read in to this... what was wrong with her if it wasn't whatever she said it was? Just a case of the crazies? It was pretty crazy...

So crazy I'm gonna have to watch it all again.
She said the flu vaccine gave her Dystonia which is incurable. Fox News ran with it and made a huge spiel on how the flu vaccine is unsafe and used her as an example. Now that everyone's stopped caring about swine flu shes all better and her incurable disease is now cured.
She said the flu vaccine gave her Dystonia which is incurable. Fox News ran with it and made a huge spiel on how the flu vaccine is unsafe and used her as an example. Now that everyone's stopped caring about swine flu shes all better and her incurable disease is now cured.

Well I dunno it seems like she'd have to be pretty talented to fake those spasms because they looked pretty realistic to me. I'd venture to say SOMETHING was wrong with her...

Where's Dr. House...
Are you kidding me? That was so fake looking. Its a wonder how anyone was fooled.