Flying, Exploding rotating fan ? :P


Mar 9, 2005
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Hi guys I dont find any good tutorial on how to make a fan work i followed one tutorial and the fan showed up but didnt rotate and when i went to the fan it crashed the game. ... help??

I was going to do a fun little thing but after a while i figured out that it might not work.
I got 1x fan and 1x box thats going to be its generator (use fantasy! :upstare: ) When i shoot the generator i whant the box to break and at the same time the fan should explode and with a thruster fly forward fast and still rotate and after 1 sec of "flying forward" it whould just stop and just disapere.. and the place were the fan was should smoke.

I know about 70% how to do this BUT to make a thruster take the fan for a flight the fan cant rotate and be an dynamic object. true? so .. is it impossible? Thanks!! /Freelancer
Tie whatever you want to a func_motor I believe, which is textured with the tools/origin texture. Parent the prop or brushunit to the func_motor (Which should just be a middlepiece of maybe 1-2 units thick).

I believe that's it. I haven't done this myself yet so correct me if I'm wrong.
uh uh ? explane deeper what youre explaning? hehe ... didnt get it that good. Uhm btw i cant find func_motor? ive been trying nearly everything now and i cant get the fan to move! and if i toutch the fan game crashes
Make a brush with the tools/origin texture on all sides.

Tie that to the entity func_motor. I thought this part was pretty self explanatory.

Place your brush or model ontop of the tools/origin, have it in the center of your brush/model.

Parent the brush or model to the tools/origin brush (You have to name it first). Set all properties in func_motor that you might want to set.

Run the game, you should have a spinning fan.
tryed that i think... thugh game keeps on crashing ive must been missing something..and btw i still cant find anything called func_motor if i tie an box ...
Select the box you want as the motor

Press CTRL+T

Change the Class to func_motor

This is one of the easiest things to do. If you can't manage this, you may want to give up the idea.
yea sorry forgoted to tell that im mapping for CSS... and ive followed a tut . that i whould use an func_rotating and it whouldnt work.. it just kept crashing game when i got near the fan.....but with a prop_dynamic i cant add an phys_thruster so this whont work. or...?
Try using a phys_explosion. I find them much more fun.
yes yes! but the fan needs to be an dynamic thingy or it whont rotate! and an dynamic dosnt act like physics ... whould be real good if physics could stay in one place and rotate untill something happends... i had to delite the entity or the map whould keep on crashing... so im totally lost now what ever i add to the fan it crashes game
Open up the town_03 sample map in the sdk. That has a rotating fan that breaks and spins off. Maybe that will help.
woho! ive found that phys_motor can be working like an rotator .. woooho! ... hm lets just hope the rest works now .. thanks :D

Edit: awww :( the fan model whont show up if it isnt an dynamic one