Foliage swaying


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Anybody else notice that when you walk through the little shrubs and weeds on the maps, they sway with lovely source physics?

Really adds to the game :)
sinkoman said:
Anybody else notice that when you walk through the little shrubs and weeds on the maps, they sway with lovely source physics?

Really adds to the game :)

I havent tried it yet(forgot about the game), but are you sure its physically simulated and not just simulated in other means? Most games nowadays have grass and bushes that 'sway' when you walk through them. And they're not physically simulated. I'll just have to play to find out. Once I wake up.
I saw that for myself, seems to be physics based looked very good not as good as HDR when you play with it on 10 mins say, then switch if off boy do you want it back on ASAP.