Followers of the Great FSM, we are being persecuted!

"oh ****ing shut the **** up, stupid spaghetti hating freak"

would be my reply to her

every sane rational person in north america should carry a pic of FSM in his/her wallet as a reminder that there's people who would subvert society in order to push their morality into mainstream consciousness

they should be rediculed more, not less
it's a parody of creationism
check wikipedia
Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that she kept the picture up! Can I get a R'amen!
Reminds me of stupid religion, and stupid people.

Praise be to Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I can remember somebody on here linking to FSM rape tentacle pron...
Flying spaghetti monster looks like the inside of a scrotum or something. :O

Board chairman Steve Abrams, who voted for the new standards, didn't see the picture but said he thinks that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is silly.
"Personally, I think it's juvenile," he said.

No shit, Sherlock, it's a school!