Foo Fighters vid


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
The new one - Low. It was banned by MTV, but the music channel over here plays just about anything so eh :P

Well I'm scarred for life :x Anyone who's seen it post your thoughts, anyone who hasn't count yourself lucky.
I thought it was funny :D

It was played on MTV over here (UK) all the time when it was released, even before watershed :o
What's so disturbing about it?
(I'm think Dave Grohl in a bikini, but that may be going too far.)
Which song is it - Low ? cuzz that one is pretty fkd up.
I dunno, I don't like foo figheters, but disturbing vids are fun.

whats so bad about it?
The Foo Fighters Suck.

Grohl wishes he could be as good as back in the Nirvana days.
Obviosly- who wouldnt ? Nirvana are one of the greatest bands of all time !